Sad & Frustrated at this disease

I was just disgusted with what I saw as wastefulness. They tried to shoot me down but I rose again!


I did not mean to bring you back to the real world.
I like your world better.
I just thought you might share your world with us on live chat!!
Julie x

although i have not posted on this thread before, I sometimes feel that this world is more real and understanding of me than my day to day existence, which probably isn’t a good thing. but like anne, i find it very difficult not to come here. I enjoy my life, but the anger and sadness does not go away, just sinks below the surface.

Is there someway we can use are collective anger, may be by challenging the pink hideousness of October. I know october is a long way away, but what do you think?


Maybe that can work to our advantage, it does give us time to work out how to express ourselves and try to make a difference for the next generation of men/women who have to face this disease.
Step one could be a pink/blue ribbon as men are affected too.
Love Debsxxx

Yes…please count me in. Belinda…x
PS…Debs I know in the U.S. some stage 4 groups have had pink ribbons made with black edging.

Oh Yes

Every October I think we must must must do something…very public,very angry.


Count me in! I will have a think also. Anne x

PS Maybe we should look at Breakthrough again for ideas
They run courses on…

Getting Started with Breakthrough CAN
Building Your Local Campaign
Media Training
Getting to Grips with the NHS

I’m going to get thrown off here if I carry on like this

Well I have done it again, stuck my head above the water. I am now going to hide until the fuss dies down.
Newsblog has a report and I have made a comment how long before all those buses come along again?
It is only Jane and I mainly who comment and we both respect our differences so it will be interesting to see how many other join in. Please be kind to me, oh what the hell say what you feel, don’t hold back. I never do.
Love Debsxxx

Goodness I don’t want blue either! Pink (not fluffy pink) edged in black may well be the answer, - now going to rush off to see if Debbie has had her head shot off!

I have been on Breakthrough course…They are well organised and its always good to meet other women with breast cancer. But Breakthrough like BCC is a smoothie organisation…very top down, managerial,controlling, respectable. I want something more anarchic, angrier.


I just want a well organised strategy. Where we are clear about what we want and we work towards it. We are hindered by our form of communication really - we should have meetings. If we are serious perhaps that is what we ought to do, having agreed upon an agenda.

Otherwise i fear we are in danger of looking like a load of ungrateful bitteer women who just lash out from time to time.

We are just a joke if we don’t get organised.

I’m spartacus!

No I am Spartacus!

When we can decide what we want to do and say I could contact the media people that helped me get avastin.
Why don’t we email Sarah Brown at Downing Street Alan Johnson Health minister, Prof Richards to name a few.
Maybe start at twitter.

I agree Celeste but also know that right now being an angry stirring woman is the best I can manage. I’ve spent a lifetime in political meetings so the novelty has worn off…I stick to the pen these days!


Personally, I want to avoid being labelled a bitter, angry (and menopausal) woman. I am a patient rep on something which is sort of related (and unfortunately takes up a fair bit of my non-work time)and it is a fine line between putting a case forward clearly and succinctly and appearing a complete P in the A, who no-one wants to listen to, especially if they are wearing a suit! My passion sometimes gets the better of me and it’s very hard to undo that.

I would like to target the research and treatment side of things. I know BC has had a substantial slice of the cancer pot but in some ways, any findings from BC may be helpful to other cancers, so it isn’t altogether selfish. We are encouraged to think of ourselves living with a chronic condition but I’m not sure how much research goes on which further supports living longer WITH cancer. Living with cancer I can cope with, knowing that I will die from cancer I can cope with but living with the expectation that I will die fairly soon from cancer is the tough bit for me.

I vote for pink-and-black too.

…on second thoughts might that look a bit Ann Summers?

I do from time to time get involved in breast cancer charity things…both for Breakthrough and BCC…have been to some good and not so good events. I’ve written the odd article, appeared in the odd photo, lobbied my MP, sat discussing mouse models,…all very respectable. I know women who do more and some who do very good focused campaigning work, particularly in improving aspects of local services.

But I am disappointed that there’s no eqivalent radical national organisation in the UK for patient advocates to match the NBBC in the US. I wish the UK had a Musa Meyer or a Susan Love to lead us forward.

In the absence of these I guess each of us decides how we might want to contribute to campaigning…and maybe like me has some fantasies of something a bit more radical than getting dressed up in pink once a year.

Otherwise I happily sit at my computer keyboard…writing…and hoping that sometimes what I write might trigger a few ideas in those with more energy to take them forward.


Well I’m deffo menopausal now. :slight_smile: Don’t think I’m bitter.?.
Angry though…sometimes.
I prefer feisty to bitter.
I also wish we had a UK Musa Meyer.
I have zero connections but what about approaching The Guardian? Radio 4’s ‘You and Yours’ or ‘Woman’s Hour.’?
Debs I have a rude word for Twitters… :wink:

I prefer feisty, too.
I joined twitter last week and my hand pressed t 3 times so my surname looks German or Russian. Plus being useless have not worked out how to use it.
I have some good contacts but we have reached our first hitch Who is spartacus?
Hope everyone is o.k. I know we will all be thinking of Kate and her family today. I have changed my photo as Kate requested purple and blue be worn at her funeral. Sorry I could not go but I will hold her in my heart.
Love Debsxxx