Sad news

Such awful news. Thinking of her husband and son as well as all her friends and family.

Kay x

i am sorry to hear of the death of Julia. There is nothing positive I can think of, I only hope that the doctors will find out what causes the most aggressive tumours which seem to affect young women more often - and will concentrate their efforts on stopping its spread. Funds are being put to this and I believe we will find ways of achieving this. It could be a chance breakthrough. In the meantime, love to Julia’s family and her son, and may she rest in peace remembered with love.


It is so very hard to read of such young women being taken by this horrid disease. My thoughts are with Julia’s family.


so sorry to hear this , my heartfelt thoughts are with Julias husband , son and family .
Tracy x

This is horribly sad!! My love goes to Julias family. Funnyface

To Kelly
I’m so sorry for your loss, I didn’t know of Julia as i’m new to these forums but I know what its like to lose someone so young to this horrible disease I lost my best friend Lisa in 2000 she was 31. I know theres nothing to say that can make any difference but I am thinking of you and Julias family. I just pray (like we all do) they find a cure for this horrible disease as soon as possible.
Take care of yourself
liz x

sorry to hear your bad news,please be assured we are all thinking of you at this sad time and wish her family peace. love lynn xx

I am so sorry to hear your bad news. My thoughts are with you Kelly and Julia’s family.

Such very sad news,it must have been so hard to post it.My love and prayers to Julia’s family.I hope you are feeling a little better yourelf.Valxxx

Such sad and awful news. It is so hard to hear of yet another young woman who has died of this disaese and so quickly too. Like everyone else my thoughts are with Julia’s family and friends.

best wishes


Heartbreaking news, can i just say that my thoughts and prayers are with Julia’s family at this sad time.


I’m so sorry to hear this awful news about Julia.

My thoughts go out to her friends and family.

Bless her.

Cecelia. x

I am so sorry to hear this terrible news and I send my love to Julia’s family, take care of each other.

Jen x