Sad news

Hi all,

it is with great sorrow that I have to pass on some very sad news. Our fellow forum user, my friend Julia, who is known on here as Bimbo119, has sadly passed away. She was just 28 and leaves behind an adoring husband and a 3 year old son.

In mid Dec Julia was diagnosed with extensive secondaries. Immediately she posted a message in this section, she was obviously very scared and was seeking positive stories.You all came good for her and I know she was overwhelmed by the support and inspiring stories she received from her fellow forum users.

Julia started Taxotere in Jan but unfortunately this had to be stopped due to an allergic reaction on the 2nd one. Sadly, during a break between treatments Julia’s liver became very enlarged and unable to function properly. Initially Julia was receiving palliative care at home, until she went into the local hospice last week, where she passed away last night.

Sorry to be the bearer of such sad news,


OMG why why why??? Its so wrong at any age but more so at that age.
Thanks Kelly for letting us know - I should imagine that it was very hard to write - my thoughts are with her family and friends and you Kelly

Kelly I’m devastated to hear this very sad news. I didn’t know Julia and find it so hard to comprehend this happening and so quickly. Kelly thanks for posting and my thoughts are with you and Julia’s family and friends.

Ruby xx

Tragic and very sad news.
Kelly could you please pass on my heartfelt condolences to Julia’s husband, son, family and friends.
Claire x

Dear Kelly

Oh I am so sorry to hear that. It must be awful for you, and more so for her family and is just so cruel. My thoughts are with her family and with you. This is no age to be leaving everyone.




Dear Kelly

On behalf of the Breast Cancer Care Moderation team I would like to offer our sincere condolences to Julia’s husband, young son and her friends. Our thoughts are with them all at this sad time.

Kind regards

So sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with her family and friends.

Take care Kelly - you know where we are.


Im so sorry to hear of this very sad news, my heartfelt thoughts are with her family and friends at this very sad time.

Lindiloo x


Am so sorry to hear about Julia and send my condolences to her family and friends. My thoughts are with you and her family, as it must have been very hard for you to write this post and I know how deeply you were affected by the news of her spreads so quick. She was so young it is a tragic waste. Words seem inadequate.

Kelly you have my details if you need to talk - please ring/email me.

Take care and sending lots of love

So sorry Kelly, such sad news, heartfelt thoughts with her relatives and friends.



I’m so so sorry to hear this news.

Like Ali says, you know where we are if you need us.

Love Julie xxx

So sorry… So sorry… Really distressed despite not knowing Julia… At her age with such a young son just can’t believe that she had no time … My thoughts are with her family and friends … I so hope her husband is strong and her son grows up knowing all about her xxxx Jane

I am so sorry to hear such awful news. At that age and which such a young family I don’t understand why, My thought are with her family and friends.

How awful to hear this news please send on my regards to Bimbo’s family …so young.

Oh such sad news. I’m so sorry. Thinking of Julia’s family and you too Kelly. Belinda…xxx

Such sad news. So young and to go so quickly. We all feel for her husband, son and family.

Liz xx

I am sorry to hear this, thinking of her husband and her son, its terrible, So quickly, its hard to understand.

So sorry, and am thinking about her son and husband. Thank you for posting, and please take careof yourself.
Nicky xx

Thank you ladies, I will be sure to pass on your messages and kind words at an appropriate time,

Many thanks,


my sincere condolences to you and julias family…so very sad.

karen x