
I have been informed by another poster that SadieL may have passed away. I thought long and hard before posting on here but I did a little resaerch myself and asked some friends on FB too. SadieL has not posted for many months and I had sent her a PM which she did not reply to and her local newspaper had a notice placed whoch looked like “our” SadieL.
I loved her posts and she was so supportive even when things were tough for her. I thnk she posted on the Lung Mets thread the most.
Yet another beautifu young woman taken away far too soon. You have been missed Sadie. God bless. Val

Val, I got a thoughtful message to re our wonderful Sadie, and on further research I am sure that our Sadie has died. Her funeral service will just be finishing as I write this. Her husband has started a Just Giving page in her memory. I will ask re providing a link to this. I had been sadly aware of her no longer posting.
Sadie was always there with a smile and a cheer even as things were going badly wrong for her. But one of the things I remember her most for is when Gingerbud (Tina) died last year. “I will live a part of every day for you, Tina” she said and I have tried to follow that inspiring thought myself.
RIP Sadie

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I am so sorry to read this. SadieL was always so cheerful and positive, and I remember her drawing ‘spoons’ on Clare’s surreal thread. She clearly lived her life as fully as she could, and inspired many others to do the same.

Lavender Lassie, maybe you could PM me the justgiving link (I don’t think we are allowed to post them, all to do with charity law not bcc being awkward) as I wuold like to honpour the meory of a special lady.

RIP Sadie, free from suffering.

A message for Rev Cat and indeed for anyone who knew Sadie, I have permission from the moderators to post a link to Sadie’s husband’s page in her memory.

If anyone would like to PM me about please do that
Lavender Lassie

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Thank you Lavender Lassie, much appreciated.

So sad to hear this news, I too had exchanged messages with Sadie & had worried as to why she had stopped posting. RIP lovely lady xx

On behalf of the moderation team here at BCC, our sincere condolences go to SadieL’s family and friends.

Jo, Facilitator

So sad to hear of Sadie passing her posts were always very supportive. Another lovely lady taken too soon. Sincere condolences to her family RIP
Jill xxx

I am so sad to see this. Gingerbud and Sadie were so kind and helpful as I tried to help my dear friend Heather, who had a similar diagnosis. Heather lost her fight in December. Much love to Sadie’s family. Her great personality shone through in every post.
Kim x

so so sad to hear this news.only a primary gal myself but sadie and i exchanged some pm,s. usually about kids
(teens!) a beautiful lady in every way who loved her family unconditionally and they made her so proud xx


I a really sad to read this. i ‘spoke’ to Sadie quite a bit in the days/weeks after Tina (gingerbud) passed away, and i too liked her stance of living a bit of each day for Tina. Breast cancer truly is a cruel, unfair disease. RIP sadie and thankyou for all your chatter. X

This is just so sad and so unfair , I remember Sadies posts when I was first dx , a truly lovely lady , this disease is cruel , god bless you and your family xx

So sorry to hear about Sadie’s passing. I didn’t know her but her personality shone through in her posts, she always seemed so kind and thoughtful. Thinking of all who loved her at this time.

So so sad. Sadie was always so positive and supportive, a lovely woman. I knew things had got worse but hadn’t realised how muchand it is a shock to hear of her death. My thoughts are with her family who she loved so dearly.
Thanks for the smiles Sadie, RIP my lovely one xx

Rest in peace Sadie, I follow your post on the lungs mets anf you were always positve, suportive and bubbly, I ever knew you were so ill and am sadden for you husband, children & family/friends.

Can hear you flying with the Angels and catching up with Tina an inspiring young woman.

Take care ladies


Chris xxx

I am so sad to hear this… its the news i had been worrying about… sadie was such a lovely lady and was very kind to me on the TNBC thread.

best friend i was very sorry to hear about Heather too.


I am so saddened to read about Sadie and know she’s left her wonderful family behind.
She really lived every day for all her children and her family.
As people have already noted, her love and generosity of spirit shone through in every message she wrote.
She had a lot to bear and yet always had energy to give to others. She was a true inspiration.
I feel quite humbled by this news.
She was one of those wonderful angels who lived amongst us, I am sad and angry that she’s gone.
Her children and husband were her life. I sincerely hope they can continue to grow together through this nightmare time and keep Sadie within their hearts as they attempt every new stage of their lives.
She’ll be watching every move they make and I’m sure guiding them through the tough times ahead.
She was indeed a truly spectacular woman to have met through these forums. I am so glad I met her here. I’m sure her many friends here will mourn her passing.

Another light extinguished far too soon…
Welsh girl xxx

This is another sad day on the forum as we lose one of our own, far too soon and far too young. I rememebr Sadie bursting onto the Forum a few years back and her love of life and positivity shone through. I hadn’t realised she had become so ill so this is a real shock. Thinking of her husband, children, family and friends at this sad time.
Nicky x

Sadie - I had been fearing this for some time as well.

Rest in peace lovely lady. I know you will be so very missed.

Hello all,

I have not posted on here for many months, but knew Sadie through the TN thread. She was a wonderful woman and will be missed. So sorry for her family and friends. RIP.
Sarah xx