Safe hair removal?

It seems strange asking about hair removal, when all my earlier posts were about problems associated with hair loss. A quick question, is it OK to wax under your treated arm? I remember being told not to shave using a razor under affected arm, only using an electric razor (which actually produced quite a few ‘nicks’!) Recently I haven’t attempted to remove the hair, just opting instead for sleeves! But am due to go on holiday next week and have an appointment to have my legs waxed. My underarm is still numb so I am not unduly worried about the pain factor. I just wondered if anybody has been told how to remove hair safely.

Thanks Nicky

I wasn’t aware that you couldn’t shave your armpits with a razor. I am now curious too. I wonder whether you could use depilatory creams or whether the chemicals would be harmful too.
Let’s hope someone knows.

Beth :slight_smile:

Hi Nicky

I use a razor but just do it very carefully. Had mast in Dec 07 and so far no probs - rouch wood. I’m off to Bulgaria tomorrow so fingers crossed all will keep well there!!

Hope your off to somewhere nice too



i asked the lymodema nurse on thursday and she told me it was safe to use a good raser and not to wax as it might lead to an infection re ingrowing hairs etc.

Hope that helps

I was told dry electric razor only - everything else carries infection risks apparently.

I was told electric razor only as using a bladed razor could result in a cut which could lead to infection. To be honest I have continued to use a normal razor - usually with a new blade but not always - and am just very careful.

I would be hesitant to risk creams as cream on a none hairy bit can cause a chemical burn and with the armpit being numb you wouldn’ necessarily feel it.

Waxing I would not be too keen on anyways but I understand that this is strongly advised against.

Hi all

The following factsheet contains some information about safe underarm hair removal following surgery:

Best wishes

Yes the above is a useful fact sheet Lucy, and it talks of using creams or an electric razor not waxing.
I did try using creams but like Lilac I wasn’t keen on the chemicals and so but have gone back to using an ordinary razor but VERY carefully and only when necessary.

I finished rads last week and asked when I can shave under the arm again using a wet shave and they said 3/4 wks if it was comfortable. No-one said that I couldn’t use a razor.

Waxing seems a bit fierce as I’ve had to stop having my legs waxed a few years ago because of in-growing hairs that it caused. Therefore I decided not to try anywhere else on my body!

Thanks for all the advice! I don’t think I’ll risk the waxing, perhaps will get a new razor just for that area!

Good advice about the ingrowing hairs I wouldn’t have thought of that! but it makes sense.

Thanks all


I am a beauty therapist, no you shouldnt wax under the arm. There are many reasons why you cant have wax applied (i dont mean for you) but as your skin is numb you wouldnt be able to feel if the wax was too hot or not etc.
You could use immac.Hope this helps.

If you dont have much underarm hair do a test patch if you do use a cream just to a small area to see how it feels. If it stings wash it straight off.

Hi Nicky - I can’t use an electric rasor at all.

Radiotherapy and mast + recon made my hair grow in all funny directions.

Because I’ve got lymphoedema in both arms, I use the smallest possible amount of the most delicate, for sensitive skin, underarm hair remover I can find - and do a test patch (somewhere else on me - not my armpit) first.