

I am new to this forum.

I was diagnosed with oestrogen positive breast cancer in June last year. I had a lumpectomy in August. The last chemo treatment was 29 January 2025. I will start radiotherapy on 11 March. I have been having hot flushes (several times a day) and started taking sage to help. I am wondering if I should be taking sage as it is a phytooestrogen. I have asked a few medical professionals during treatment, but no one has a definitive answer. I read online that I shouldn’t be. I recently had bloods taken to determine whether I am peri-menopause or menopausal to decide if I will commence hormone treatment. I look forward to reading others’ views. Thanks

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Dear Cazbro73,

Welcome to the forum, we are here for you, with love and support.

Wishing you lots of luck with your on going treatment, so sorry to read you are feeling uncomfortable with hot flushes
as regards take SAGE I’m sorry I can’t help, however I think you should get further medical advise before pursuing this further.

One day at a time at the moment, also you are having Radiotherapy very soon which can be tiring

Please let us all know how your getting on health and happiness ahead.

Much love Tili :rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray:

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Dear Tili

Thank you for your reply, advice and good wishes.

I have heard radiotherapy is tiring. I am nearly there. It has been a long haul.

Wishing you all the best :revolving_hearts:


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@cazbro73 I hope your treatment is going well. I’m surprised to hear you get chemo before radio therapy. I wonder if that depends.
I also have estrogen positive bc. As part of the treatment have you been given estrogen blockers? If so there’s probable no point taking sage although I’m not aware it has phytoestrogen.
I have been taking sage since late 2023 on and off but I will not take it anymore at least until post treatment. Hope this helps. x

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You could Ask the Nurses about sage - if they can’t give a definitive answer they might point you towards information that can help you decide and maybe have some other ideas about how to manage your hot flushes. Xx

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Hi @cazbro73,

Welcome to the forum - we hope you find it a helpful and supportive place.

If you’d like a nurse to reply to your question, please do feel free to post in the Latest Ask our Nurses your questions topics - Breast Cancer Now forum section of the forum, where a nurse will reply to you. You can also reach them on our free helpline on 0808 800 6000, it’s open Monday - Friday 9 - 4 and Saturdays 9 - 1. Or you could also send a private message to our instagram or Facebook, and a nurse will reply to you there as well.

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I always look at it this way although I’m not a doctor. If something is helping my menopausal systems food wise then chances are my body is recognizing that food as estrogen of some sort. And I would think there’s a risk the cancer cells would be recognizing it as estrogen, too, and if you have a hormone positive tumor you don’t want that. Gabapentin is shown to help hot flashes. Maybe that would be a better option?

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Hi @kellya

Thank you for your reply.

I am glad chemo is over. I have been told that radiotherapy is not as bad, but can be tiring.

I haven’t been given oestrogen blockers yet.
If I get blockers hopefully that will help.

Hope everything is going well.


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Thanks for your reply.

I will get in touch with the nurses for advice.

Many thanks


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Hi @Alice_BCN

Thank you.

The forum is very supportive and helpful, and it’s nice to know I am not alone.

I will get in touch with one of the nurses.

Many thanks


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I was told categorically no by my consultant ( same diagnosis ) she Requested I took no supplements whatsoever for menopausal symptoms .


There are phytoestrogens which are helpful re breast cancer. Not sure where sage fits in but from what I have gleaned the best of these are milled linseed and milled sesame seed. I stress that they must be milled. Otherwise they more or less go straight through you, and have no benefit. Add to yoghurts, salads, etc. you can buy them milled, or you can do it yourself with a coffee grinder.
I have found some research studies, on mice mainly, but some on humans, which conclude that linseed can help ‘fight’ the cancer cells, especially when taken with tamoxifen. However, in my opinion, it is not a powerful as hormone therapy treatments, and should not be relied upon solely.

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Virtual hugs. I also read an article that sage is good in treating hot flashes and night sweats. But there’s potential side effects also.

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