lezzie lasses - we have a very lovely invite from CM to jump on the thread LIF started about sex . Funnily enough -me being totally addicted to these forums at the moment -I was already on there! just thought I’d let you know in case you haven’t been on, N
Where is it? Tis probably somewhere really obvious but I’ll blame my chemo brain
its called chemo, tamoxifen, sleep, sex…very lovely thread
Ta - i’d just found it and was popping back to say so x
Well, sexuality isn’t limited to hetty bettys, is it!
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Hey Norberte, you are a tonic. You know what your post reminded me of - when I used to work in HIV/AIDS back in the days when no one knew how people got infected -so we used to have a list of things that we knew were risky behaviours, things we were pretty sure weren’t and things we were totally sure weren’t…it became hilarious…the lads used to come and see me and say stuff like, “elbow in ear …no fun but well safe” etc.
I seem to have a direct line from earlobe to clitoris so thats still in tact…and no I do not think there is anything like TMI on these threads!
bw N
Norbs, I wouldn’t for an instant say that sex is the same, but sexuality exists in women, whichever side they butter their toast. Or even if they don’t butter toast at all.
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Eeew, toast crumbs. A definite turn-off!
Bit like sand in the cracks on the beach!!
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I’m going to sound like a right dope here but if someone can clarify for me I’d really appreciate it. Is the swapping of bodily fluids to be avoided just in the first week of each cycle (ie immediately following chemo) or should one refrain from oral sex and snogging with tongues etc for the duration of chemo?
Hey sky2sea, well done for finding your on buttons - go girl. As to the sharing of body fluids, I have noticed on the sex and all that jazz thread that some of the lasses talk about that - but you know what - no one ever mentioned it to me during my treatment…but maybe they just didn’t want to talk about the lesbian sex life of one of their consultant colleagues!!!
I know Norberte hated the leaflets that BCC posted on the sex and all that jazz thread (quite understandably) but they may have some body fluid factual info in them even if hettie…
you could test BCC and ring the helpline, I have been reassured that they are trying hard to be inclusive…
best of luck with hunting down the info,
I’ve just spoken to the helpline here and been reassured that bodily fluids are not an issue. Dental dams not needed then - that’s a relief as i never got the hang of them.
green for go with normal precautions if appropriate then - hurrah
good news - eee the dreaded dental damn. I even tried a female condom once , never laughed so much in my life! bw Nicola