starting chemo in the next 2 weeks to shrink the tumour then mastectomy. Is anyone or has anyone undergone this at age 74. I have been so upbeat about this but now I am really wavering. Will be having 75% strength to start because of my age to see how I cope. 6 sessions planned. OMG!
Hi Lena12
I’m sorry to read you’re struggling. Whilst you wait for the other users to reply with their experiences do give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 6000. Here you can share your thoughts and concerns with a member of staff who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information. Lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator
Hi Lena
I can’t comment on your situation, but I just wanted to reply to say I’m thinking of u and on here to offer you emotional support like all the other ladies. I think we all get wobbly moments. Sending you hugs and please let us know how you get on after your first one. Tracey x
Hi Lena
I can’t comment on your situation, but I just wanted to reply to say I’m thinking of u and on here to offer you emotional support like all the other ladies. I think we all get wobbly moments. Sending you hugs and please let us know how you get on after your first one. Tracey
Vodka sounds good. Where I live they do all the scans first then from the results sort out a treatment plan. Today at 4pm is my results appt. I’m a wreck thinking it spread, but hoping to feel calmer once I get a plan. I an 40 so it’s going to be chemo. I’ll be having a glass of red about same time you have your vodka Lena - chin chin !!!
Hi Lena I have just finished 6 rounds of chemo, it was hard at times but doable. Everybody’s treatment plan is tailored to suit them so I really wouldn’t worry about your age. There have been younger women whose dosage has been reduced because their body has reacted badly. We are all different and some women have very little side effects. You will be in good hands. My advice would be don’t suffer in silence with any side effects, ring straight away. My nurses would sort me out the same day to relieve any side effects. Good luck I hope it all goes well for you.
Hi Lena - I think once you’ve done the first one you will know more about how you cope and will feel a lot more confident x we have a face book group for March starters ( March marvels ) and there’s 21 of us there now swapping stories fun and coping - lots of different ages xx you would be very welcome to join xxx wishing you all the best x hugs x