Scalp hurts?
Scalp hurts? Hi guys,
I was dx in march and had a WLE at the end of march. had first FEC 2 weeks ago, usual sides affects, but, my hair is still here, although I my scalp feels really sore to touch and when run my fingers through my hair. i was thinking maybe this is the start of hair loss and the roots are weakening. has anyone else had this? I have been reading up and most pople seen to loose their hair around day14/ 15 which is about now for me. Could this be it???
You’re Right Hi Nadia,
Yes I am afraid you’re right. The pain is the hair follicles dying. I had the same pain as you and at the same time after my first FEC. Had my third one now. I found the pain quite unbearable sometimes and although I had already had my hair cut resonable short beforehand, was advised to have it shaved which after only three days of hair loss and pain, I did.
Had it shaved to a grade 1 and instantly the pain stopped. Once the hair starts to come out it happened quite quickly for me.
It is distressing and I bacame obsessesed and upset about it, but once it had gone it wasn’t so bad.
Let us know how you get on.
Take Care
Hello Nadia
I lost 90% of my hair 20 days after the first FEC and also had a very sore scalp for a few days.
I didn’t ever shave my head but the soreness went pretty quickly.
Good luck.
Love Anthi
Thank you Susie and Anthi for your quick replys. I suppose this is really it noe the roller coaster is well on it’s way. I had quite long hair before and got cut into a very short bob two weeks ago. i have a fantastic wig and some lovely scarves. I am feeling distressed about losing my hair, i think i could handle all the other side effect, but this is truly the hardest. Don’t mean to sound vein, i have just always had long hair. When i had my hair cut into a bob I really cried and felt like i was having an identity crisis! still do except i will be bald soon! Sorry to moan, i know its only a minor thing in the grand scheme. Just a b******d to have to deal with anyway thats my moan of the day.
Thanks guys
See my earlier post today - mine is dropping out rapidly at day 14. I reckon in the last 36 hours I have lost a third of my hair. I am sitting here with a “lock of hair” an inch wide that has come out whilst watching the tv this evening. My scalp is tingling.
But I figure it is a sign that the FEC-ing chemo is working. It’s killing off my hair so it’s killing off my cancer. I am having neo-adjuvant treatment - ie chemo before my surgery and radiotherapy. I needed a sign that the b****** cancer was on its way out! So I will live with hair loss and pain (physical and mental) that goes with it to know that I am getting better
Love to all in our situation
Hi Nadia
As others have said, a painful, sensitive scalp is unfortunately a typical sign that your hair is begining to fall out. It should calm down whether you shave your head or not, although I’ve heard that rubbing olive oil into your scalp can help ease it.
Most of us end up shaving our heads simply because hair coming out in clumps can be very distressing. Apart from the fact that it goes everywhere, the patchy appearance can make you look ‘sick’ and that is one of the things I found quite upsetting as, prior to that, I didn’t look or feel sick. You get to a point where it looks better shaved.
I won’t pretend that losing your hair is easy. For some women it is the most difficult aspect of the whole breast cancer experience. But is does get easier with time. Somehow you just get used to it and before you know it it is growing back again.
I’m on the other side now. I finished chemo in January and now have a good, thick covering of hair of about and inch and a half all over. I actually get compliments. People say they love it and a lot of people say I should keep it this short. I’ve even been told I look ‘chic’!
All I can advise is that you get a nice wig, if you haven’t already, but also lots of scarves/bandanas/caps as wigs can be hot and itchy. I wore scarves or hats mostly and kept my wig for nights out.
You can do this. You are stronger than you think!
Lola x
Thankyou Thankyou Sharon and Lola,
it’s reassuring to hear from people who have come out the otherside. no one really understands till you have to go through it. I have not really felt sick at all and have been really positive. i think the hair issue has been the hardest part so far. But we are all strong and will get through.
Love and hughs to everyone
Nadia xxx