Hi Caroline, Thanks for that info. I have seen my oncologist this morning and he has ok’d my 4th cycle and said after my 5th/6th cycle I will have a scan. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that as I note other people seem to be having scans after 3 but as my other half said it may take time to work, so after reading your post and the Xeloda’s success I feel more confident about leaving it a couple more cycles. I know we are all different as to how we react to these treatments but it is always good to hear good news.
Love Lesley x x
Hi Lesley
I know how you feel about having treatment and then not having a scan for a while, especially when you are feeling grotty and you don’t know if it’s working or not.
I was scanned after just two of my chemos instead of after the third because I had so many probelms with infections…anyway I was really scared that nothing would show after only two - it either hadn’t had time to work or wasn’t going to, I really had little hope of anything positive after such a dire initial prognosis. But yes, the tumour in my liver had shrunk by nearly half, only one of my tumours in my lungs was measurable and when we looked at my spine even those seemed slightly smaller!
I will get scanned again after my 6th chemo - after Easter - at that will be my baseline from which they will monitor me. So, fingers crossed for you, me and everyone else on here that the drugs will work!
Keep smiling
Love Sue xx