Scan results

Hi all,
so relieved , clear bone scan, Cat scan showed some enlarged lymph in my neck.
Breathing a big sigh of relief!!!. Hubby and I actually got some sleep last night, after the terror of convincing ourselves the bc had spread…
A month ago I would have been mortified to think of losing a breast, Now I can’t wait to get it off.
Consultant wants me to have ultra sound and biopsy on neck to make sure.before Mastectomy and Axillary clearance.chemo etc.
Thank you all for thinking of me and being there. I can’t imagine how people managed without this wonderful support.
Sending you all healing love and prayers.
I will keep posted with next test results
Hope something good happens for each of you today.
love Rosamund x

Hi Rosamund,

thats great news!! I am so pleased for you, what a weight off your mind. I’m glad you and hubby managed to get a good nights sleep last night. Its just horrid when you’re waiting for test results isn’t it?

Anyway, your news is awesome! I hope you enjoy your weekend, whatever you are doing,

Take care,


P.S. My ‘good thing’ is happening as we speak (well, I write!)…my boyfriend is finally being posted to a base near home today so we can at last live together properly, hurrah! He should be on his way now!!!

Hi Rosamund

Fantastic news! Good luck with your USS, biopsy and surgery
-funny how breast surgery, whether lumpectomy or mastectomy is no longer an issue when you are diagnosed with bc and accept the diagnosis. I would have been just as happy to have had a mastectomy rather than the surgery I had if it was required, as I just wanted the treatment to start and be over with asap.

Best wishes,

Kat x

hi rosamund, i,m so pleased your news give hubby a hug from me, i pray your op and biopsy goes well,
phew hon what a relief,
i,m so so pleased for you babe

thankyou lord

love to you

Hi Rosamund

So pleased to read your post, Have been thinking of you,

Let us know how your going on.

Take Care



Hi Rosamund

Thats great news, good luck with your forthcoming surgery.

Take care


Hi,all especially Maggie, Kelly, Cee, Kat,Debs,
thanks for thinking of me.
Kelly I am so pleased to hear that you will be with your boyfriend soon, love to you both.
I have decided (after strict instructions from my sister) to do at least one positive thing just for me each day.
I have very long hair, my crowning glory!!! went into the hairdresser and decided to have hair cut into a bob next week.
Decided to go to the wig shop and tried on bob shape wigs to see if the cut would suit me,
I was very impressed that the wigs are so natural looking, head cover gave me an idea what I would look like with no hair.
I think that this will help me come to terms with being bald for a while.
Going away for weekend in camper van, hubby and I care for his 86 year old mum
who is disabled and lives with us, so we get a break when we can.
Hope you can all do something just for you this weekend too, it helps.
I will be thinking of you all, lots of love and healing .
Rosamund xx

hi rosamund,
you go and have a wonderful break hon, my thoughts are with you, i know you will find something possitive to do for yourself everyday

hope weather gets better for you hon

healing thoughts your way

Hi Rosamund,

I was just wondering how your weekend away in the camper van went? I hope you had a lovely time and the weather was kind to you.

I enjoyed a ‘cancer free’ weekend last weekend! That prob sounds a bit odd but basically we had family to stay and went to lots of nice places, and for a change I decided to wear my wig out. I have 2 and they are lovely bobs but I never ever wear them as I find my scarves much more comfortable and cooler (temperature wise, not style wise! LOL). Anyway, wearing my wig rather than one of my scarves made me look ‘normal’ and so no one batted an eyelid. I just blended into the background and looked exactly the same as everyone else. I could be quietly smug though as it hadn’t taken me ages and an abundance of products and electrical appliances to make me look good!! Just for a couple of days I was actually able to ‘forget’ that I have bc and it was fantastic!!

Have you had you hair cut yet? I too had v.v.long hair when diagnosed and chose to get my hair cut v.short before I went in for my mastectomy. I was gutted at the time and got my boyfriend to take me to the pub as soon as it was finished! I soon got used to it though. The next ‘chop’ was when my boyfriend got the clippers out the day I had my first chemo. Am totally used to being bald now but do miss my hair. Don’t miss spending ages getting ready though!!!

Anyway, take care and be sure to let us know how you’re doing,


Hi girls,
I’m back!!! ,been in limbo for the last couple of weeks.
Just caught up with what’s happening on the forums.
Hi, Kelly I had my hair cut last week, I am very pleased with it, a nice feathery bob,hubby says I look younger so that’s a plus.
maybe I will look younger still the shorter it gets?? lets hope so! Had a brilliant weekend in the camper, spoilt rotten by my dear friends they did all the cooking , lovely.
we were in the countryside so went for long walks and the weather was wonderful.
Going to Hospital tomorrow for ultrasound and biopsy on my neck…then another two weeks wait for results, as Consultant on holiday.
Seems like a continual nightmare, all this waiting again is making me crackers!!! I know there is worse to come but want it over.
Everything seems to centre around these hospital appointments.
My friend emigrated to New Zealand in May,and has just arrived to stay with me for a month, hoping to support me through surgery. The way things are going she will be back home before I get definite date for surgery…Life’s a b…
Feeling rather frightened about tomorrow and what the results will be!!!
Had booked holiday in Scotland for this week , funny how life twists and turns???
May be going away for a few days to Yorkshire Dales on Saturday, if I feel up to going?? I will let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Hope you are all doing the best you can to keep up the fight…sending you more love and healing
Rosamund x

Hi Rosamund

Glad to see you back.

Good luck with the hospital tomorrow. Sorry your having the frightened feelings again, but having your friend to support you must be a help.

When and where in Scotland are you going?

Take care and let us know how your getting on.


Maggie x

hi rosamund, you have never been far from my mind hon, i go tomorow too so my thoughts will be with you, fear is terrible its the what ifs when its all black and white we can cope and deal with it,

because you have had such a bad time lately i pray tomorow will be better hon, but remember your other scans were clear which is hopeful so hang on sweetie, my love is with you

nice to have your friend over bet its a few late nights lol

you will deal with whatever is ahead as your such a poss lassie

hi to your friend

give her a hug from me for looking after you

all my love

Hi Rosamund,

I’m glad you had a lovely time in the camper van and was suitably spolit, quite right too! Your new hair do sounds lovely, have you got used to it now? Looking younger is always a good thing, I’m 35 but already desperately trying to hold back the years and so praying that my hair, which is just starting to grow back, doesn’t come back grey!!! No offence to those of you with grey hair, its just at 35 I’m not quite ready for it yet.

Best of luck for your appt today, I hope the scan and biopsy go ok, and the continued wait to get the results doesn’t stress you out too much. We all know how hard it is playing the waiting game. How lovely that your friend had come over from New Zealand, I’ll bet its lovely to have her around, and at least she may go some way to helping take your mind off things while you wait to see your consultant.

The Yokshire Dales sounds just the ticket, I hope you feel up to going this weekend, I’m sure you’ll have an ace time you little globe trotter!

Take care of yourself and let us know how you get on,


hi rosamund
i,m thinking of you babe, i hope your bc has not spread sweetie, my thoughts are with you


Hello my darlings, Maggie, Kelly ,Cee and all on this wonderful site.
great news for me…ultra-sound today, NO abnormalities to glands in my neck…Hurray!!!
I am so relieved…No Biopsy needed either.
After all the fear, I couldn’t believe my luck, at home now without as much as a pin-prick.
Now I have the all clear at last, my mastectomy and lymph clearance will go ahead when Consultant returns from hols.
So Jim me and 2 terrible terriers are off to the Yorkshire Dales on Saturday for a week, can’t wait!!. I have told the dogs if they don’t behave themselves they will be left there, as they are Yorkshire terriers…nearly a joke.
Funny what difference a day makes eh?? I was so down and scared yesterday, now I am being all positive again, hope I can remain this way.
Cee, I am delighted that you had good news today also…hugs from me and Brenda I do try to keep up with how you all are.
I would love for us to meet up, you are all such lovely supportive people , even though you are going through so much in your own lives.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart all for the positive thoughts, you are all in my prayers.
Love Rosamund x