Scan stress!

Hi ladies

I don’t post often but just wanted some advice/thoughts if nobody minds?? I finished a course of chemo 5 weeks ago for some progression in the bones and the lymph nodes of the neck. All went well and tumour markers were down to 24. I had my scans last week and am just waiting for results (you know, that awful waiting game!) and ive convinced myself i can now feel a node in my neck again, my cancer is grade 2, her2 negative, er+, is it possible it would grow again that quickly?!! Im driving myself crazy with paranoia!!

Hope everyone is feelong good today, Tish xx

Oh Tish - yes, we all know how awful it is to have “scanxiety” before, during and after our scans. I wonder, given your concerns right now, if you might be able to ring your oncologist, or someone in the team wherever you have your treatment TODAY, to see if you can get the results? I think they’d probably want to know that you might need some extra support sooner than they were planning. You can only try! And hope the results are OK, and that you’re just having a “blip” with that node. xx

Well I did go down that route yesterday but my consultant only gives results face to face, good or bad and he’s not back until next week so I guess I’ll just have to wait and stop panicking too much! This node has been up and down like a yo yo without treatment in the past so hopefully it’s just misbehaving temporarily!! Thanks for the note xx

Good news from my scan, nothing showing up in my neck and bones all either improving or not showing on scans! So tonight me thinks it’s time for a cheeky vino or two!! 4 years on from secondary diagnosis now.

Tish xx

Fabulous news Tish!

Long may it continue :slight_smile:

Laurie x

Phew! Glad to hear your news, Tish, and hope you had a great celebration last night! xx