Scanxiety Central

I’m so happy to have found this forum! I’ve not used a forum until now, but it’s been a very long year and I could use some support! In March 2024 I was diagnosed with Stage 1C3 Ovarian Cancer. Long story, but a 15cm mass was removed in a salpingo oophorectomy and I underwent chemo April-July 30th 2024. I was told that it was a 10% chance of malignancy. I felt so lucky that we had found it at Stage 1 (still do).

But…6 weeks after I finished chemo and just after I got home from a celebratory vacation with my family I was blindsided with a breast cancer diagnosis. Just like that, during a routine mammo that I was so excited to check off my list. I was diagnosed with Stage 1/Grade 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I underwent a lumpectomy and I just finished radiation 2 weeks ago. There is a 1% chance that they would both be active at the same time and I continue to perplex all of the doctors that I see.

Jumping back, in October I had my 3 month Ovarian check up and CT scan. And they saw a lung nodule. Which we took a wait and see approach to and scheduled a follow up CT for Jan 2025. So I have been a wreck thinking the worst for 3 months. Had my follow up CT last week and the lung nodule is gone! Hooray!!

But…they now noted a new mass along my spine. The radiologist said it was “unchanged” and a possible Benign Nerve Sheath Tumor (which are rare) and my gyn/onc confirmed that it was there in the last scan and not noted. I was excited to hear that it wasn’t growing until I realized that it could have been there all along and my chemo slowed the growth. So now I don’t know what to think or do. Trying to stay positive, but it just gets to be so much at once. My MRI is scheduled for Feb 10th and it can’t come soon enough. I’m terrified it’s mets.

I have done all of the genetic testing and it is all negative - they’ve done it three times. And every time I go to a new office I have to explain all over again and that yes, I had both. No they weren’t related. Yep - it’s unusual…

The scanxiety is unbearable.


Sending positive and calming thoughts your way. Stay strong! Hugs


Hi @coloradoboop, welcome to the forum. I’m glad you’re finding it useful so far, and I hope you find comfort and support in the thousands of posts and the countless kind people who use these boards.

I found this blog re scanxiety that may be useful for you: Rebecca’s five tips for managing scanxiety | Breast Cancer Now

This blog from Jackie about how she found comfort in poetry is also about scanxiety: I dealt with scanxiety through poetry | Breast Cancer Now

I also found this post by Kate with her tips on managing stress around scans: Five tips for managing scans and results | Breast Cancer Now

Please remember we’re here if you ever need to be in touch. If you’d like to contact our breast care nurses, you can either call us on freephone 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm), or even leave a message for them without having to leave the forum, by posting here: Latest Ask our Nurses your questions topics - Breast Cancer Now forum

Sending our warmest wishes


I have just had a CT today. I had 2 lung nodules which decreased by 1-2mm (not expected) due to using a different CT machine potentiall?. I also have a 8mm node nr my collarbone on the other side (due to a covid jab a mth prior?). Anyways why did the lung nodules go as if they go I thought that meant the chemo got rid of them? They expected mine to stay the same. I may be mistaken but I thought if they had gone that means they were cancer.

Hi Linda_Corinne,

My lung nodule showed up 3 months after I had finished chemo. It was my understanding that they are actually quite normal for people to have and that there are whole clinics devoted to them. I had Covid about 3 weeks prior to my scan and respiratory infections can cause them, along with a slew of other things. I also have had a slightly enlarged subclavical lymph node throughout all of this that has remained unchanged through all of the treatment.

Bodies are all different, but I was SO worried about the lung nodule without reason. I’m trying to take a more level headed approach to this new mass, but it sure isn’t easy!

Good luck my friend although there are no guarantees I shall be thinking of you. I don’t like a lot of tests but for some reason scans are ok.

I have even fallen asleep in one of them which lasted ages and involved a machine wandering all over me while I lay on my back thinking of England.

I bought my own gown with me as I was fed up with having my arse on view to the world. That also made it more bearable.


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