
I have my first mammogram tomorrow after finishing treatment for lobular bc last year and I’m scared. Also, lobular cancer is hard to detect and I am fairly young (43) so my breast tissue is still dense. Last year the MRI showed up lots more cancerous cells than the mammogram. What if tomorrow’s mammogram doesn’t pick up all the cells? Surgeon says MRI is not part of procedure. Am I being paranoid?

Hi Bek123

Whilst you are waiting for the other users to reply with their support you might find it helpful to talk things through with a member of staff on the BCC helpline.  Here you can share your thoughts and concerns with a someone who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information.  The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator 

No you are not Bex. I’m just finishing rads and exactly the same as you Grade 2 invasive lobular. I am not relying on a mamogram alone as often they dont pick up ILC. The only options at present is pay privately for an mri or the newer DBT. This is digital breast tomosynthesis and like an ultrasound specifically for dense breasts. I know they offer it at The Royal Marsden in London where I am being treated. Its about £260 pounds though but if it catches a recurrance early then i think its worth it. They also offer it at The London Breast Clinic 108 Harley Street. I’m going to try and find out more and ask my oncs and get back to you. I too am a similar age 44. Hugs Dee xxxxx