Hi, I’m looking for advice on how to look after and maybe improve my scar after a lumpectomy about 7 weeks ago. I’ve been massaging my scar with Epiderm cream for about 2 weeks and the scar feels like there’s a hard lump along it’s length. Can anyone advise if the lump is here to stay or will massaging it help? In any case how long should I moisturise and massage? Thanks Kx
I had my lumpectomy in December. I didn’t get a lump on my breast scar but they may have been because it opened up and needed stitches. I did get the lump along the scar from my lymph node removal in my armpit but that has now gone.
I’ve been massaging bio oil on my breast scar which has made a huge difference and I’ve been using Kelo-cote on the armpit which has been good but tbh I tend to forget to put it on as much as I should.
Hope the helps x
i have very tight scar tissue/ cording from lumpectomy and SNB end December … I have recently sourced this link on u tube witch have found very useful thebreastcancerphysio.com/
and this too