Scar problems following mastopexy


I had a mastopexy in the “healthy” breast to try and match up the reconstruction of the other.  This was carried out in August last year.  I expected the scars to have reduced by now but have redness, bumps and itching.  I saw my surgeon a few weeks ago and he said I have keloids.  He used a steroid injection but they are returning.  I have seen some natural alternatives to try, e.g. manuka honey, lavendar oil, tea tree oil, but nothing seems to be working.  Just wondered if anyone has had this problem and found anything that gets rid of the keloids.  

Thank you,


Hi Julia,

I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues post-surgery and I am sure some of our users will be along to share their experiences and show their support soon. 

In the meantime you can always post on our Ask the Nurse board or call our helpline on 0808 800 6000, who will be able to talk you through any questions you have and offer a friendly ear. 

Best wishes,


Hi Julia have you tried silicone strips? I am currently trying oleeva silicone scar sheets that you can order from dermacare direct mine aren’t keloid but are very red and angry looking I have been using for 2 weeks and have noticed a slight improvement. They are expensive but worth a try I think. Also Amazon sell scar away silicon sheets which are possibly similar but cheaper though not sure if they are as effective.