Scar revision

Bc side is flat now I’m so pleased!! All my fluids have been absorbed. Mind you I do have one arm twice the size of the other one at the mo, but that’s because I’ve been doing more, like driving, gardening and housework. All this sunny weather we’re having makes me want to all these things. My thoughts are with those sufferers who cannot do so much, and thank God that I am able to do so. I do not take anything for granted, as things could have been so different. I look forward to coming to this site and chatting with you lovely people. Thank you for your support.

Love Gloria xx

keep an eye on your arm you may have developed lymphoedema and it can become chronic if you are not careful. Don’t carry anything heavy on the arm on the mastectomy side, wear gloves in the garden and don’t let anyone take blood from that side. You have to keep these precautions up for ever.


My swollen arm Your mentioning garden gloves has got me thinking. I was in the garden a lot last week, digging and planting seeds and bedding plants. At one pont, I didn’t wear gloves and that was when I was sorting out some compost. I hope I haven’t infected it. Must phone Nurses tomorow. The swelling is only at the top of the arm tho’ , that’s why I haven’t really panicked, but due to lymphoedema possibility I will investigate it further. Thanks for the good advice. Have you got your prosthesis appt. yet? I can’t wait for mine!!! Now the fluid has gone, my softie is rubbing and making me sore.

Love gloria xxx

Taking things for granted Isn’t it strange? Just when you think you’re making progress with the bc, something happens to remind you that things will never be quite the same again. From now on, I will never take anything for granted.
What’s pulled me up short is my swelling arm - possibly lymphoedema possibly not. But we have to always be careful what we do, such as gardening, driving, lifting heavy things on the ‘bad side’
for life. I tend to forget - so from now on I’m going to put a note on the wall saying ’ easy does it’. And in the shed ’ put your gloves on’ . Maybe then I’ll get the message! I still remain positive - nothing will change that!!
Gloria x