Feeling lost and scared found lump on thurs went to docs thurs evening and referred me to breast clinic got a call on the fri from clinic making appoint mon which scared the hell out of me went on mon and saw a junior doc ( I had a breast reduction 9yrs ago and said he thought it was scar tissue ) and recommended scan when I had the scan the lady went out of the room and said we will do a needle test after taking pics of scan never mentioned scar tissue and was fluid that came out as lump reduced but still hard and when we went bk to see doc he mentioned nothing about scar tissue just said should have results next week and if they need to make appoint they will I’m in limbo ???
- the ultra sound never mentioned cyst or tissue no one has said anything x
H Michelle,I’m not surprised your feeling in limbo love after not being given any real information, they somehow forget while they are engrossed in their tests that we are scared women needing answers whatever they may be, I would call the clinic tomorrow and try and get some more definite information about when your results will be and will you get an appointment or will they ring you with them, you are entitled to know so don’t worry about pushing them Xx Jo
Thank you thank you so much for replying I just wish I knew if if was a cyst or scar tissue or what when. They take the biopsy and and then after 3 hours you see the doc you don’t have questions you want to go home and your in a state of shock I dong know who to ring ?X
I know its all really frightening and like you i just wanted to get out of there and go home! Did you have any one with you? I would ring the clinic, you should have the number on your appointment letter and ask to speak to a Breast Cancer nurse,they arent always available but you can ask for them to call you back, i know its so hard not to imagine the worst but try not to let you mind wander Xx
I didn’t have a letter I got a call the day after the docs I know something isn’t right but at same time could be in my head I know the ultra sound person could tell me if it was a cyst or scar tissue yet she didn’t and nobody told me what it is x
You will be able to ring the hospital and ask to be put through to the breast clinic, when i had my biopsy they were very honest with me and i was given a date for my results before i left xx
Thank you will ring the clinic tomorrow and let you know what they say. Xxx
Please do my love ? Xx
Didn’t ring guess I was scared x
If I’m honest I thought if there was something and if there wasn’t then they would tell me too so saying nothing is worse ? X