Hiya everyone. Well I never thought I would be posting on here. I had a lump appear on my left breast above the nip in the middle of Feb, it’s quite large. Waited until after my next period to see if it went and it didn’t so off I trot to the doctors who had a feel and sent me a referral to the 2ww clinic.
I’ve just got home from there. The lump is 45mm long and 25mm wide/deep. They found two Fibroademoas, one in the right breast, one on the bottom of my left, the huge lump obviously and a swollen lymph node. Had 4 biopsy’s and two metal markers-one on the lymph node and one on the lump. They are pretty sure it’s breast cancer and the biopsy results will just be a formality. I’m a bit bewildered by it all to be honest! I’m 39, no history of b/c in the family. I also have the worlds smallest boobs-that was fun trying to squeeze them in for the mammogram!
anyway-I don’t really know what to say, what to expect, what to do…I just feel sort of numb-apart from where the biopsy’s were done!
Hey Lops,
Yep - nobody wants to be here - but so many do find themselves here and fortunately it can give such a strong sense of hope at a time when you do feel numb and scared to find so many thousands in the same position, and much further along on recovery to yourself (My bio - diagnosed 6 years ago at 47 years old with primary BC and doing just fine). I’m sorry that you are finding yourself where you are now, and indeed all sorts of feelings and thoughts must be whirring in your mind day and night - but it WILL all become clearer I promise once the initial biopsy results are in and your consultants start talking about the treatment plan for your individual cancer type. You are entering a world of different terminologies and (what are to you now) alien concepts, but as you take each step slowly one at time, everything drops into place. There is nothing you can do now, but go through the painful waiting game and be aware that there is lots of support out there for those diagnosed; local groups, helpline numbers, pamphlets a-plenty, a breast cancer nurse, a dedicated team to help you navigate the situation…and of course any friends and family that you want to involve in this process.
It is quite normal to feel as if the world as has stopped spinning, shell-shocked, at this point - it won’t carry on feeling this shocking. Please do ask any questions that arise in the next few weeks and months, somebody is always around here to help out. I would recommend taking somebody with you to your next appointment, and have them write a few bullet points of what is discussed - as your mind can go a bit blank afterwards.
Take care x
Hello Lops, so sorry you find yourself in this situation but you’ve found the right place for support and information. These next few weeks will be tough as you wait for the results. Try not to Google stuff as it really doesn’t help.
I had 9 biopsys done so I know how sore it can be, if it is cancer they will be able to diagnose what type and grade and from there a treatment plan will be put in place.
My main lump was also 45mm HER2+ I had one lymph node involved. They also took biopsies from another area of concern but it turned out to be calcification.
I hope you don’t have to wait to long for the results. Sending hugs.