Scared for a breast clinic referral

So thought I’d post in here after having the most scary / nerve racking 2 weeks I’ve ever experienced. Usually I am not a worrier, but 2 weeks ago I went to my gp after finding a lump in my breast and was referred to my local clinic. I instantly was filled with fear and went on google (stupidly) and was convinced I had cancer. I had a hard immobile lump in the upper outer quadrant of my breast, which according to google is definitely breast cancer. Anyway today I went to the breast clinic, I spent the morning preparing myself for the bad news I was expecting to get. Long story short, it was a benign lymph & will always probably be there and it is absolutely nothing to worry about. I am so relieved. I just thought I’d post as after I spent time on google, I then moved to scrolling through and reading lots of stories on here and other forums and found them more reassuring and informative than google. Naturally you do think the worst but I did get a little bit hopeful and more positive thoughts after seeing stories on here so thank you! Everyone at the breast clinic was so lovely, so don’t be nervous. Try and remain positive (as hard as that is) & hopefully my story puts your mind at ease a little bit if you ever find your self in a similar situation. I hope everyone turns out to be ok & that you never have anything to worry about and if you do find your self not as fortunate as me you are in the best possible hands and can and will get through it! Lots of love and prays for you all xxxx