Scared for a new chapter

Hi all,

Unfortunately I’ve just been diagnosed with BC. I feel like yesterday was a complete whirlwind, I’m so scared. I have grade 3 DCIS- luckily no lymph node or blood involvement. They had to do another mamogram guided biopsy yesterday to check a small area of calcification which will determine my trsatmrnt plan.

If the calcification is cancerous I will be offered a mastectomy & chemo. If it’s not they will go down the lumpectomy & radiotherapy.

Literally can’t believe this is happening - I’m struggling to process it. Thank you for listening xxx

Hello Hb1988


Sorry to hear that you have had this diagnosis.  I too was in the grade 3 DCIS club and like you, could not believe that it was happening to me.  However, I am just beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel following mastectomy in May and reconstruction 4 weeks ago.  I am recovering really well.  So whilst the news seems grim at the moment, with the support of your friends and family plus everybody here on this forum, we will get you through it.  Keep posting here with any questions and worries.  Somebody will always be along quite soon to answer and reassure.


Incidentally, pure DCIS doesn’t usually require chemo following a mastectomy so I have my fingers crossed for you and I hope you have some good results.


Ezzie. X



Thank you for your reply :heart:

I just pray for a glimmer of hope next week that it’s not a mastectomy. But if it is i know I’ll get through it. I am only 29 so this is just frightening - but they said they will reconstruct at the same time which is positive. I’m ready to fight it with everything I’d got just want to get started and feel anxious of the risk of it getting worst whilst I wait for surgery as I don’t have a clue how quickly things like that can happen xx

Thank you for your reply. I hope I’ve caught it early - I actually have no idea?! There’s so many big scary words & big decisions!!! Hope you’re well xx

Can anyone tell me How long roughly you have to wait to go for surgery after diagnosis?? Thanks.

Hi HB,
Once all the results are back & the diagnosis is confirmed, then you should get a date quite quickly. My surgery was within 3 weeks of diagnosis.
Wishing you well with it all.
ann x