Scared for my mum

My mum found a lump last week, went to gp yesterday and was reffered to the breast unit. Her appointments next tuesday.
I don’t know how to feel or what to do. It almosts feels like a dream.
I have a younger brother and sister and three children of my own who aren’t being told anything until we know for sure what it is. It means having a happy face on though which isn’t always easy.
I’m just worried :frowning:

Hi Jellytots
So sorry you have had to come here - but this is the place you will get wonderful support. My Mum had to have treatment recently and I know that this must be a very worrying time for all of you. I too went through a whole host of emotions and your right it does feel like a dream after all Mums don’t get ill do they ? This waiting for appointments time is not pleasant at all but once your Mum has been tested and knows what is happening then it does become more bearable.
The only advise I can give is to be there for your Mum (which sounds like you already are) it isn’t easy I know but if you can walk alongside beside her through this scary time - also try and be kind to yourself - I also found it helped me to offload my feelings and thoughts (however irrational) to someone you can trust - also come here to this fantastic site for support too.
Hope all goes well for your Mum and you I really do.
Esbee x

Hi Jellytots and welcome to the BCC forums

In addition to the valuable support you have here please feel free to call our helpline for further support, you can talk through your worries with someone in confidence which may help. The lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 9-2 Sat on 0808 800 6000.

Take care

Hi Jellytots.

Take a look at the Publications part of the site and look at the leaflet on what happens at a breast clinic. There you will find some useful information, not least of which is the fact that around 9 out of 10 referrals to a breast clinic ARE NOT CANCER.

While it’s hard to keep on that happy face, at this stage it is well worth doing, as your mum has a good chance of leaving the clinic with a relieved smile on her face.

Good luck, and please let us know how she gets on.

Hi Jellytots

I remember very clearly the day my Mum told me that they were 99% sure she had cancer and feeling very similarly to how you are now. Its very hard to think that your Mums results might be clear because of all the bad things going through your head even if you are usually a positive person.

My Mum was one of the unlucky ones and did have cancer and I’m not going to lie and tell you it was an easy road but we got through it. I’m telling you this because even if the diagnosis is cancer that doesnt necessarily mean the worst. I was devestated when they told us it was cancer, I went with my Mum and she’d told me I had to be strong. I know that happy face well, when they uttered those words i kept my word and I didnt cry or breakdown and thats something we do for the ones we love, as you are for your children now, I collapsed when i got home to my partner and was absolutely inconsoleable. All I’d say is whilst that happy face is good at times please ensure you have a place to turn to or someone to talk to when YOU need someone because you matter too!!!

My Mum is back at work now and looks healthy and as radiant and beautiful as she was pre cancer. Cancer can be beaten and life can go back to almost normal after although you appreciate it far far more and the time you have. Cancer is so so treatable these days.

I hope with all my heart that your Mum gets the all clear Jellytots I really really do but please rest assured even if she doesnt there is no reason why she cant beat it like my Mum did.

Take care of yourself and know always that you arent alone and this place is a good way of remembering that!!!

I just wanted to say thank you for all your kind posts. The appointment was today and the lump turned out to be a large cyst which they got rid of.
So relieved :slight_smile:
Thanks again xxx

Thank you so much for coming back to give us the good news, I’m sure we are all totally delighted for you and your mum! Fantastic news, and well done to your mum for checking herself and getting herself checked out.g