scared - going yellow

Just came out of hospice today after having blood tests for herceptin and zometa tomorrow and been to see my GP who confirmed that I am jaundiced and my wee is showing bilrubin.
I told them last week in the hospice that I thought my wee was going dark and poo pale and yesterday definately looked yellow.
So - is this a drug interaction or rather a sherry and drug interaction or have they missed something again as when I had my last scan 4 weeks ago, they were so concerned about my oesophagus and heart that they did not look at my liver properly. The onc has just rang and said he hasn’t got hold of blood tests yet but ct shows only pre-existing 9mm liver met tucked away in a safe place. He will ring me later if levels high and will have ultrasound tomorrow as well so should be reassured but scared stiff. Only been off chemo since mid may and ct scan was 4 weks ago.

Hi Kate

So sorry to hear about this - I’m no expert, but I think there can be many reasons why we might become jaundiced, e.g. you’ve had a lot of recent drug and treatment interventions that might be placing more of a strain on your liver. Hopefully, your onc will be able to tell you more when he sees your blood tests and tomorrow’s ultrasound results – let’s hope it will give you the reassurance you need now.

We’re all rooting for you!

Marilyn x

Hi Kate,
Sorry to hear this -another thing you could well do without. Hoping it’s as Marilyn says and just a sign of an overloaded system.
Big hug
Jacquie x

kate are you dehydraded?x

Hi Kate,
Sorry to read you have something else to worry about, hopefully it is a overloaded system as Marilyn said.
Hope your enjoying being at home today.

Keeping everything crossed for you for tomorrow.

Karen x

Hi Kate

Just what you don’t need when you should be feeling relaxed and enjoying being back home. As Marilyn says there can be many reasons for becoming jaundiced - really hope that it is something relatively straightforward and easily solved.

Thinking of you

Kay xx

Just to say sorry you are now coping with jaundice - hope the onc can offer a simple explanation and it’s easily resolved.

Good luck for tomorrow

Hi Kate
glad you are back home and sorry to hear you could be jaundice. I hope its too much sherry! Even when my liver has been at its worst I never went yellow just deathly gray as my daughter said!

Good luck for tomorrow.

Love Debsxxx

Nice to hear you are home, I’m sorry you are feeling so scared at the moment, boy do we all know what that’s like. You’d think you would get used to it but you don’t! I hope that the mets in your liver are tucked away nicely like the onc says and there is another explaination for it.

Hope everything is okay, good luck



Kate - just checked out your thread - it’s great that you’re home but blimey something else to worry about. Like everyone else fingers crossed it is the sherry!


Kate -sending you a big hug xxx