Scared I have inflammatory breast cancer

About a month ago I had sudden pain in my left breast. It got so bad I ended up in er. They gave me an antibiotic even though I had no signs of anything. No rash redness swelling nothing just pain. My dr sent me for mammo and ultra sound. Everything came back normal. Pain went away. Last week pain came back but now it hurts in a different spot. Still no rash breast looks exactly the same. I am going insane. I think it’s something serious. 

Dear maymay,

So pleased you have come to the forum, we have all been there and now we are here for you. 
This is such a worrying time for you, Maybe give your GP a call they will have your results from recent mammogram and scan, was wondering if you have pulled a muscle. It’s could be an infection hopefully you can get some answers very soon to put your mind at rest.

Please come back and let us know how your getting on, wishing you well for a good outcome.

big hugs Tili :rainbow: :rainbow: