Scared of spot on breast that wont go away no appointment till April 29

I have developed a spot on my right breast that looks like a rash.  I decided that I was going to think positive and just try treating it with ringworm meds and hope for the best.  The spot has not spread to anywhere else on my body which would indicate that it is not ringworm but I figured try the simple solution first.  The ringworm meds have done nothing the spot continues to grow and I cant get in to see a doc here in vegas till April 29th. At this point I am starting to get scared and worried that in a month it will have destroyed my entire breast.

Dear devnxn

Welcome to the forum.  I am sorry to hear you are feeling so worried and unable to get medical help at the moment.  Guidelines are very different here in the UK so you may find it more helpful to have a look at this US based site.  It is similar to Breast Cancer Care but bigger and you might find more help and support there. I have attached a link:

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator