Scared to death…

I’m dealing with sensitive left breast, my hands are going numb, and I have pain right at my collarbone, my armpit is throbbing, and it has moved down my arm … I’ve ruled out heart problems, but my nipple keeps getting more and more sensitive… I have a scanned scheduled right after Christmas but I just can’t wait to have a scan done…

Does this sound familiar to anyone…

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I don’t know about others but my cancer is painless. Have you seen GP? If you’re in pain, I’d try and see if they can get you seen more quickly. Good luck. Keep us posted.

I found a lump in my left breast in April this year. There was no pain.

There is not much you can do until you have your scan, I know it’s hard but try not to worry. You haven’t mentioned how old you are, could it be hormonal? I know of someone in their 20s who had pain and soreness and was told it was just hormones. I had sensitive breasts in my 40s to also be told hormones, possibly peri menopausal and advised to take evening primrose oil at a high dose.

As already said, have you seen your GP? What did they say?

Im 30 and yes I’ve seen her twice now and that’s who referred me to have a scan done!

It’s like pins and needles and feels kinda burny, it’s started in my collar bone than worked its way to my arm pit and now is all around my arm down to my hands and makes them numb. My nipple is very sensitive, and my left breast just feels… HEAVY!!!

Hi erizaw93

Thank you for posting about the changes you have noticed. It sounds like a very difficult set of symptoms to be experiencing. It is reassuring to hear that you have been seen by a GP as @bluesatsuma was asking and that they have referred you to a breast clinic for assessment.

The pain you have described could have many other causes. This type of pain can be linked to your periods (if you are having periods), or hormonal changes, and can cause breast heaviness, or a burning or stabbing pain that can spread to the armpit, down the arm and to the shoulder blade.

Although the GP has seen you, it might be worth asking the breast specialists about the possibility that your pain is due to compression of any nerves or blood vessels in the area between your neck and shoulder.

As @naughty_boob mentions waiting for the appointment can be a very worrying time. Some people find it hard to relax or concentrate on other things. Although this page on anxiety talks about coping with a breast cancer diagnosis, there is lots of useful guidance on there that you might find helpful. It outlines coping strategies, advice on using distraction techniques, exercise, mindfulness and meditation, and complementary therapies.

In the meantime, if you need to access any further support over Christmas, The Samaritans are open 24hrs a day, all year round and free to call on 116 123.

Our helpline is also open if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen to your concerns, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, (Relay UK -prefix 18001).

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Breast Care Nurse

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