Breast cancer definately brings out the best in people! You lot are amazing! So brave. Great that we are seeing new hairdo’s. I’m keeping mine short from now on as really like it, and brightly coloured too. I always get nice comments about my appearance which really helps give us a boost.
Regarding work. Glad to hear people are getting their entitled phased return. Don’t expect plain sailing though. If you have a blip, or can’t cope, make sure management know that you are still not A1. I speak to my boss regularly about my ability to cope with workload. I am a teacher, and if I am having a bad day, I have been sent home early, or not had to stay for staff meetings etc. Don’t be affraid to get support for as long as you need it.
Forgot to mention that went to pick up my 7 yr old from school today without my usual hat for the first time. Hardly anyone took any notice apart from a few Mums saying that they liked my new look. I,m getting braver by the day.
A x
Well done you Big Pat on the back!!! I know its easy for me to say but honestly its like everything with this bloomin thing its anticipating the next stage thats the worst. Only two days in and already back to normal at work, I saw a girl from one of the other offices in the car park today on my way home who didnt know I had been off and whe she asked how I was I just said fine how about you etc etc she then said you were poorley werent you I remember the card going round are you ok now, I just smiled said yes all ok and didnt mention the BC word. Felt a bit naughty but just couldnt be bothered with the “I’m fine” conversation.
Honestly you will be fine and your new hair sounds like you are hot to trot. You go girl. Make the most of the last week off and hope the sun stays shining for you.
Love Shonagh xx
Hi Andrea
Hope your return to work on Monday goes really well - will be thinking about you as I am at home on the two week ‘Easter break’ ! Oh the perks of being a teacher.
Mind you, having read about the free flight each year after 10 years of service perhaps I ought to leave Hackney and work for B.A. But thinking about it I realised that I get 3 free trips each year;- 2 to Hackney City Farm and 1 to Paradise Wildlife Park in Heartfordshire. Now with those options why would you want to go to Bermuda? and of course I have the company of 25 little people with me.
Seriously tho I hope next week is good Andrea and that you have lads of energy.
Magsi x
HI Andrea.
Just wanted to wish you all the best for your return to work, i went back on the 17th march on a phased return after being off for 10 months, lumpectomy,chemo & radio. My hair is short & now curly, everyone loves it, i’m not at all sure about the curly & think i will grow it (can’t believe i’m saying that as i was so desperate for it to grow back, just really hoped it would be the same as it was before). Everyone at work was just lovely, very pleased to see me back & very supportive. My manager is being great & says if i get too tired i can take more time off if i need to. I’ve tried to be sensible & not be busy with other things when i’m on a work day and so far i’ve not been too tired. Its been good to be back.
Take care & don’t try to do to much too quickly. As my occupational health nurse wisely said its better to finish a day thinking i could have done a bit more rather than oh dear i think i’ve overdone it!
Best wishes Rivergirl.
Hi Everyone ,
Thanks so much for your lovely and positive comments you have really given me and I bet lots of people a boost.
I,ll keep you all posted.
Lots of love and Hugs
Andrea xx
Hi Andrea, you’ll probably be having an early night but best of luck tomorrow, and well done for showing off your hair last week, I bet you’ll get nothing but lovely comments! I asked our little local branch of Holland and Barrett and they don’t have hair colourants but my daughter is going to look in Cambridge this week. We live a few miles south but go up through Papworth quite often heading for the A14, much easier now the bypass is open! I’ve never been to Durham but friends say it’s wonderful, and recommend going in by train. One day, one day! All the best, Lyn xx
Hi Andrea, My husband kept in touch with his HR dept about my condition (as he had to suddenly take time off work to childcare), and the HR Officer sent round a blanket email to all staff, explaining just a little and saying if the staff had any questions they could raise it WITH HER. My husband has received nothing but support, and curiousity etc has been kept to a minimum.
Under Disability Discrimination Act you are entitled to phased return to work and other support. Under DDA if you have, or have ever had, cancer you are technically regarded as having a disability (which I hate, but which could be useful!).
All to best to you with work! Take it easy, one day at a time, and let us know how you get on.Sue xx
Just a quick one to say hello and hope everyone is well and to wish Andrea all the best for today. It will be a strange one and you will be tired a the end so be good to yourself. Let us know how you got on.
Love S x
Hi Everyone,
It went well yesterday, Everyone was lovely and got lots of kisses and hugs. I was only In for 2 hours and didnt do much just wandered around and did some side by side listening to calls etc. I,m so glad that I popped in previously for a chat so was much less nervous. I need some training before I can do my old job as we now take web queries and business accounts so wont be doing much for a few weeks.
Hi Lyn, yes Papworth is so much better since the bypass opened. I took ages to cross the road to get to the park before and now its just great, I bet some of the Businesses are suffering though.
Love and Hugs
Andrea xx
Hi everyone I’m so glad that you posted all these about returning to work. I completed treatment 18 months ago. Had chemo surgery and rads. I have had so many infections since and have not been able to regain my strength. Im on my own with three children and have considered going back to teaching. Have only managed to do two days supply and have been shattered. I always wonder how I will cope with the kids and working. Your posts have given me so much encouragement. For me going back to work will put closure to the rough time I have had with this disease. I’m happy others have managed with work and I hope I can do the same. I am always very tired but I’ sure things will get better.
All the best to you all.
Hi andrea.
Great to hear how you got on, well done you, its a big hurdle but i’m so glad you got on ok. take it easy & keep things at a gentle pace for a while.
best wishes rivergirl.
Hi blessedone,
So glad these posts have helped you, wishing you all the best as you sort out work, take it easy tho & go at a gentle pace for a while.
take care, rivergirl.
Exercise has really helped with my energy levels, Nothing too hard just a brisk walk 2 or 3 times a week.
Dont seem to get out much when the kids are on holidays though.
Hope you feel better soon and best of luck with everything , YOU DESERVE IT !!
love Andrea xx
I just wanted to say that these posts have really helped me too. I was diagnosed last march, age 34, and I haven’t worked since. I am a member of the armed forces and fortunately have been on full pay since I’ve been off.
The time for me to (finally) return to work is fast approaching and it is making me quite anxious. I have kept in regular contact with my colleagues but still feel ‘out of the loop’ as far as work goes. Also, being in the military means I am am not covered by the DDA, however I have a very sympathetic boss and Dr and a phased return will be happening.
So, just to say thank you really. I have read this thread with interest and have found it quite reassurring that I’m not the only one in this position.
Would like to add that it is now six weeks since my return to work.I have been given the promised move nearer to home so instead of a 45 min drive each way it is now a 20 min drive,I was tired for first few weeks, but it is gradually getting better and I am really enjoying being back and having ordinary conversations.People have reacted in different ways,some have spoken to me alone and given me there experiences,others have gone way over the top hugging and kissing,but it is nice that so many care.There is no issue with me leaving for hospital appointments,and generally life is good,so my worries were futile.I would say to others who are worried,the first day is hard but after that its ok,so go for it.