

The first two times I found lumps, they were fluid-filled cysts and the doctor drained them before my eyes, using ultrasound for guidance. I had found that they caused discomfort if pressed in that area. Try and assume the best until you are told otherwise - almost impossible, I know - but for your sanity, it is worth a try.

On the day, you will probably have a mammogram, although if you are young, maybe not. You will probably have an ultrasound scan. If it is obvious there is nothing to worry about, they will tell you. If they are unsure, they may do a needle or core biopsy, in which case you will have to go back for the results. I had to wait two weeks. The waiting is truly awful, as you are already finding out.

I have my fingers crossed for you. The majority of lumps are benign so, hopefully, you will be back on here with good news. If not, you will be on the road to getting rid of whatever it is.

Good luck!

Ann x

Anne, I can’t tell you how much better i feel just being able to let all my worries out like this & have someone know just how i feel. You ladies are amazing!

This is definately the scariest rollercoaster i have ever been on.
I feel really scared to even imagine that everything might be ok incase it’s not - i went to my Dr’s appointment feeling pretty confident!!!- I can’t sleep, i don’t want to eat but i am trying my best to keep it together for my children who are only 5 & 3. That is the hardest thing for me, they are my world & i do not want to be taken away from them - i lost my mum 9 years ago when i was 30 & that was hard enough-.

I will try to hold onto your kind words & i’ll let you know how Tuesday turns out. Thank you for caring

Heather xx

Heather - How did you get on today?

Ann x

I have posted this for new user Jack,
Jo, Facilitator

Good luck to all you ladies awaiting your results , I truely hope that it´s just cysts .
If the diagnosis is bc , don´t panic .You will receive the best of care ,just consider that this year is one where you have to think of yourself and get through it ,which you will .
My best friend had quite advanced bc diagnosed over 5 years ago , and now she is cancer free ,fit and extremely healthy despite mastectomy, chemo etc etc .
I was diagnosed mid november with early stage bc , awaiting rads now .It will not get me down .

Keep strong ,be positive !

Hi Anne,

I had the worst day ever today waiting for my appointment at 2.30. I had thought i had done a pretty good job of hiding my worries from my daughter -who is 5- but she had a melt down in school this morning,which was horrible to see & had me so worried.
Anyway, had my appopintment & i almost feel guilty to say it but i have the all clear, the Dr said he can’t see anything that he is worried about. I still came away thinking what if he missed something.
I want to say a big Thank you to all you courageous, strong, amazing ladies for helping by being there you are all truly insperational!!

Good luck to you all & God bless
Heather xx


Fantastic news!! So pleased you got it checked out and have nothing to worry about.

Take care

Julia xx