
Went to docs with one lump that I had found only to be told I have 4. My breast clinic appt is thursday but am really worried - mum and her mum both died of breast cancer

Hi katkins,

Welcome to the BCC Discussion Forums. While you’re waiting for replies from other users I thought it might be helpful to post a link to the BCC publication - Your breast clinic appointment, just in case you haven’t come across it on the main BCC site. Please do also give the BCC Helpline a call if it would help to talk to someone in confidence, lines reopen on Monday morning Tel. 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm).

With best wishes,

Anna, BCC Moderator

Hi Katkins
I absolutley know what you’re feeling. I have a lump, discharge and crease in my right breast. All discovered last week. My appointment for triple assessment is this Wednesday. I am trying to stay positive and the fact that we are being seen so quickly is really good. There is no history of breast cancer in my family so I imagine the worry you have with regards to your Mum and Grandmother is so much more than mine…I am so sorry for your loss.
I am sure there will be people on here that will support you with really good advice. I have already had a really lovely message from a girl who lives near me and it is unbelievable relief to know you are not alone and there is someone to talk to.
Keep busy is my advice…and stay away from google! All easy to say I know… I really hope all goes well on Thursday for you. I will be thinking of you then.

Hi Katkins & Jojo,
I am new on here but have been reading posts for the last week which has been a huge help for me whilst “waiting”
I know exactely how you are feeling, I went to the doctors on the 27/3 with thickening and bloody/sticky green discharge. Was seen by the nurse at the breast clinic last week, they were so friendly at a difficult time. Tomorrow I have my mammogram, ultra sound and biopsy and told I will have the results a week later. Doing my best to keep positive for me and the family apart from having the odd moment every now and again.
Initially I started googling and scared myself silly until I came across this website and have since calmed down a lot.
Will be hoping for the best for both of you this week. Amanda xxx

Hi Amanda…I wish you the very very best of good luck tomorrow. Try to sleep tonight…probably wont be easy. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Let us know how you get on…fingers and toes all crossed for

Thank you for your kind words And support. I didn’t sleep a wink last night so hopefully will sleep well tonight. I’ll let you know how I get on tomorrow. Thinking of you guys too. Amanda xxx

Hi jojo
I hope it goes well for you tomorrow, like wise everythings crossed and I’m thinking of you… Let me know how how you get on.
amanda xxx