
i have been having pain in my left breast for a long time now and i an terrified to go to the doctors!
when it first happend i was scared he would say it was cancer and now i have left it so long i am scared he is going to say there is nothing they can do!
i know it makes me sound stupid with everything you have all been through but i am litterally terrified that i have left it too late
can you please give me some advice, i can not sleep for worrying

Dear mandy825

Welcome to the forum. I am so sorry you are feeling so scared.

You could also talk things over with one of our helpliners. They can offer you practical information and emotional support. They are open on weekdays from 9-5 and 10-2 on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000. Calls are free and confidential.

Take care

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Mandy. First thing tomorrow call the dr and get your self checked out for your own peace of mind. Tell then you’ve a pain in your breast and they should see you as an emergency. The dr knows what they’re looking for so will be able to put your mind at rest. Take care and be strong. Emma xx

Veering from one extreme to another is quite normal in my book. I was referred to a psychologist and she gave me very helpful article “Managing the stress of cancer” James Brennan. The most useful bit for me was how to worry…he talks about people fixating on “worse case scenario”. He encourages you to look at it in detail. He suggests thinking about what would happen next…in a week…a month…and so on. The theory is this thought is just a small snapshot of an imagined future.
In any case your fear is not the reality. BC is very treatable, even if you are faced with this. The doctor is not going to say what you most fear, trust me.

Hi Mandy, as Emma says please go and see your GP. You certainly do not sound stupid, just very frightened, and we’ve all been there! Your GP cannot tell if it’s cancer or not, they are not the experts, but they can refer you to those who are I.e. the breast clinic. You are in a very scary place at the moment but once you have some definite answers (good or bad) you will feel much better. Please hold onto the thought that most breast symptoms turn out to be nothing sinister and don’t google, you’ll only get out of date or plain inaccurate information, your imagination will run riot and you’ll scare yourself half to death. Keep posting, ask any questions, none will be silly or too trivial, cry/rant, voice your fears we will be here to support you. Good luck, take care Pat x

Thank you everyone I will make an appointment on Monday xxx

Hi Mandy, I can empathise. I have a lump in my left breast and I put it to the back of my mind for 2months. I went to the doctors just over a week ago and I have my appointment for the breast clinic on Wednesday. The hardest part was admitting that this is something that needs to be dealt with. I am very nervous but also relieved that hopefully I will know what’s happening. Things move fast once you start the ball rolling. Whatever the outcome, I know there is a safe haven of knowledge and support on this site. Good luck. Roisin x

Hi Mandy, I don’t know how old you are but when I was younger I got a lot more breast pains than I do now and it must have been okay. One time (12 years ago) I went to my GP with breast pain and she discovered a lump and it turned out to be a fatty lump. The fatty lump is still there but up until about age 50 or so I got sporadic breast pains. With hindsight I think it was hormonal pains . At 57 I did not have breast pain but had a lump, which was breast cancer, lump taken out out in July and I am awaiting further treatment. Hope your pain is hormonal too, but you are absolutely doing the right thing having it checked out. Hope all goes well for you Kathyx

Hi…I don’t know how old you are but…I was 52 when dx and had no symptoms at all…no pain…nothing…I found a lump after playing on a bunk bed with my grandson and he kicked my boob…he was only 2 at the time…it had been hiding in my breast tissue…PLEASE…make an appt with your GP…asap…best to get these things checked…I was told by my GP…BC is insidious and doesn’t hurt…hope this helps…