
I am so scared. The nurse said to me the lump
Is small and treatable and I’m not going to die and said she cannot say things like this to me if they were not true so I just have to keep hold of those facts x

How do I find the page for younger people?


Oh you poor love! I do feel for you.  It’s a really cruel & harsh thing that’s happened to us all. I promise you it will get better & that you won’t feel like this the whole way through your treatment.  You’re in the worst bit now. If it’s small & low grade there’s every chance they’ll be able to successfully treat it.  My friend was diagnosed with some weird kidney cancer that doesn’t respond to chemo a few months ago & given a 40% chance.  At least BC is so common that tons of research has been done & treatments are improving every month, literally. New stuff has come out since I was diagnosed. At least we are looking at odds in the 80-95%region which yours sounds like it is from what you know so far.  The link to YBCN is above.  xxxx

That’s really reassuring Bibi thank you. I’ve been wondering how I’ll manage with looking after my children during chemo x

I have moments or hours where I feel normal again and then it hits me and I cry. I can tell my kids sense something they are so young. My husband has been so good but doesn’t like me on these forums as he thinks I will end up getting very depressed. He was meant to go to France for the euros next weekend and I’ve ruined that. I feel like I have let him and my kids down big time. Thanks for that Facebook link, I know 2 people who have died from breast cancer, one was when I was 6 in school it was my teacher but we are talking 25 years ago and another was my friend who was experiencing cancer in 4 places so I am trying to cling to this information. Thanks for your support ladies it really helps. X

Thank you so much for your support xx

Sue what a lovely post?.  Hope your chemo is going ok.  Suzie I could not reiterate more the fact that this forum won’t depress you (Dr Google might though, so steer clear of that).  People who have had BC, men & women, are like a big family, always willing to help out another member with helpful tips during chemo, radio, Herceptin or tamoxifen or emotional support during the difficult bits. You did not do anything to deserve this & therefore it is not your fault. I really wanted to pack my other half off to golf or tennis because I knew he needed a break from all this too, but he didn’t go either.  Today’s another day & just try & be like one of the children enjoying the moment they are in, not worrying about the rest.  Your next appointment will be whatever it is, regardless of whether you worry or not. Try & get out for a walk in the fresh air if the rain holds off long enough. xx

This may be a little TMI but I feel a little constipated. Hard to get a number 2 out. Not sure if this is because I’m on anxiety medication double dose plus dizapram and the fact I only started eating Thursday night? (Since last Sunday?) obviously all I am thinking is the cancer has spread

I totally agree, this forum is so full of support it’s a wonderful place to be when you are struggling with it all! Suzie, if you haven’t eaten for that many days you probably will be feeling constipated. It will take a few days of eating normally to get your system up and running again. Try eating plenty of high fibre foods today and drink lots of water and hopefully that will help x

I have a backache so I am thinking it has spread. I haven’t really cried much today. I’ve spent a fortune on t he kids this week and just brought a new tv as I think im going to die :frowning:

I am very distressed. I’m sat here planning my funeral in my head and I’ve just started crying. I keep telling my husband things he needs to know incase I’m not here. I am in such a bad way, I am so depressed I cannot snap out of this, I already feel like my life is over. Every time I look at my kids I cry. I suffer very badly from health anxiety so this is overload for me :frowning:

Im from Hampshire

Suzie, please find a way to distract yourself from thoughts of your funeral! Take your kids out somewhere, or get into bed and sleep. Whatever it takes to stop the thoughts. Your life isn’t over. It’s taken a turn down a path none of us want to walk along, but once the journey is done you’ll still be here with your family and that’s what you need to remember right now xx

I really wish I could be as strong as you all but I can’t. I just feel so sad. If someone takes me out of the house j just end up crying on the way home. I just feel like everything is over and no one understands around me apart from people on here

We do understand that dark place. It’s so hard, but try and find something that will take your mind off it, even if it’s only for a short while and you end up crying on the way home, it’s better than nothing x

I’ve had biopsy results this coming Thursday however I had such a bad panic attack at the hospital this Thursday the BC nurse told me more than she should of at this stage, ie scan results and that its small however I still don’t believe anything they say

Cause I was in such a state she called my husband. She said I’m not going to die, its small and treatable and no nodes affected from scan. The nurse told my husband she’s telling us more than what she normally would detail wise due to the state I was in.

She also said she’s not allowed to tell me things unless they are true so she cannot butter things up for me. She kept saying it’s totally treatable and I’ll be fine x

Suzie I thought about my own funeral after steroid come down from chemo once …it’s very upsetting!!! Every time your mind goes there, say out loud “I’m not going to think about that now” & try to take 10 deep breaths, in through your nose & out through your mouth.   Concentrate on whether your stomach goes out when you breathe in & in when you breathe out or that the air is cold when it goes into your nose & warm when it goes out. Sounds mad, but just try it.  It should just distract your attention from that thought path.  There is no harm in crying, it’s perfect understandable.  You have just had one of the most horrific shocks you can get in life. I burst into tears every time I told anyone for about 2 weeks & for months I could not say the words breast cancer without being overcome.  Still prefer to refer to it as boob cancer, because not the words I heard on that fateful day.  When treatment gets going there will be practicalities you can focus on.  Can someone help you with the kids Mon to Thurs … Mum, sister or good friend maybe?  Doesn’t sound as if it would be a good idea to be on your own. You can also call your surgery & they will give a light dose of lorazepam to reduce your distress & anxiety.  We had sleeping tabs for us both for a night or two, because we were just waking each other up & getting exhausted.  My poor husband had to work too. xx

I’ve been given dizapram and already take anxiety tablets as have suffered with health anxiety for a few years now, I think that’s what is making everything worse for me the fact I suffer from health anxiety anyway before all this so now I feel like I have proven everyone right with going over the top about everything! The nurse told me I’m not going to
Die, she said she cannot say that if she didn’t mean it so I am clinging to that statement. It’s a small lump and treatable. I check my breasts about 3 times a week as have health anxiety. I just don’t want to die and leave my kids. That’s all I care about that and my husband x