Scared! :(

Hi everyone


Its been a while since I’ve been on here.  I’m feeling really scared at the moment. 


I have had pain in my hip now for nearly 2 weeks (same side I had cancer) and prior to that a week of upper leg pain.  I have a GP appointment for next week to give me my Zolodex injection so will talk to him then about it but really scared.


Its not a niggle either but very painful and getting in and out of a car for instance is a really struggle.  A month ago I was absolutely fine though and was back jogging again.  Every morning I wake up and hope it’s better but it’s not.  Couldn’t get an earlier GP appointment and now struggling to keep sain!


Trying to think good thoughts but finding it hard at moment!




Hi MysteryMouse


First of all a big hug from me. You are doing the right thing checking out the pain with your GP, but I wanted to share a pre-diagnosis experience to try to reassure you that there could be all kinds of innocent explanations.


I used to play a lot of tennis and was very active. One day I started getting pain in my hip - I suppose I have always been a bit of a worrier (worse since diagnosis of course), but I managed to convince myself that I needed a hip replacement. I was seeing a sports masseuse for my shoulder at the time and mentioned my hip to her. She worked on it for a couple of sessions, gave me some exercises and the pain went away.


Maybe you have injured yourself jogging, that puts some strain on our joints - I have also pulled muscles while not paying attention and running into a pothole. Does your pain come and go or is it constant?


Sending you my very best wishes and hope the GP can reassure you or get you checked quickly.

Evie xx