I am having a bilateral mastectomy with an immediate LD flap reconstruction after I finish my chemo (I am half way through it: 3 down-3 to go).
Needless to say I am terrified of the operation as I never even had stitches in my life.
I have been reading all the threads about this type of surgery and a lot of my fears have been lifted (as much as it is possible) by the comments of ladies who had been through it -it does not seem so bad and the pain control seems to be good.
I have three questions which worry me at the moment:
How long after the operation before the scars close up -I mean when you can take the dressing off and shower and not worry about the stitched place bleeeding or hurting too much?
What sort of pain releif is best for after surgery: epidural or patient-controlled morfin? Would’t one wake up from pain in the middle of the night, because when you are sleeping you do not press the button regularly?
How do you sleep in hospital after the operation? Does morphin make you sleepy? I am terrified of having to lay on my back when there will be large fresh scars in it…
My imagination is my own enemy…
Hi Mijam99
You are not alone in worrying about how you will manage following surgery, our specialist nurses on the helpline will be able to address each of your concerns and you can discuss your worries and talk them through in confidence. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm. You may also find our publication ‘Breast reconstruction’ helpful to read, you can do so via the following link:
Best wishes
Hi Irina
Try not to worry, you will be well looked after by experts.
I had the same op as you are due to have, 7 weeks ago. The incision sites will have dressings and while you are in hospital you can wash and shower as soon as you wish. The dressings will be changed afterwards if they have got wet. They may ooze slightly for a little while, but you will be surprised how quickly they close. My stiches were all on the inside and the scar itself is numb.
I was expecting a patient controlled morphine pump when I woke, but for some reason I didnt have one. This wasn’t a problem because, if I needed it, I was given oral Morphine. The rest of the time I took Paracetamol and anti-inflammatory from day 2. This was more than adequate and I slept as well as could be expected, it was the noise of the ward that kept me awake if anything. Morphine does make some people sleepy and maybe nauseous, but medication can be given for this also (usually added to the pump). Do not worry about waking from sleep in pain. If you are sleeping then you are not in pain!
I did not find it a problem laying on my back, for the first few days I slept well propped up with pillows, I could lay flat on my back soon after.
Good luck and dont worry.
Dear Jackie,
Thank you very much for your message, it really means a lot to me.
How are you feeling now? Are you hapy with the results and are you now ‘‘fully mobile’’? They say it takes 8 weeks before one can drive and 12 weeks before one can swim. How many times did you have to go back to hospital to have the seroma removed-my breastcare nurse says it will be for at least 6 weeks after the op approx. every week.
Thank you again.
Take care.
Hi Irina
I am feeling great thanks. I am on edge now waiting for my date to go in and have the other side done. There is a bed crisis at my hospital and I was expecting to go back in this week or next but now it looks like I am going to have to go back to work for a while.
I am fully mobile now. I would say I was able to ‘potter’ around the house approx a week after coming home and after 4ish weeks I could walk the dogs, help out with our horse around the stables. I have found it quite inconsistent what I have found I can and can’t do. I can move a bale of hay and carry a bucket of water but I find it difficult to put the car in reverse or turn the light off on the bedsise table!
I am very happy with the result and I am still seeing an improvement as each week goes by. I drove after 7 weeks, but cant swim so I wont comment there. Best I dont try. I had to go back to clinic weekly four times to have fluid drained from my back (which was a totally painless procedure) but it stopped after that.
Are you having both sides done at the same time? I wish I was given that option. I hope your chemo is soon over, do you have a date to go in for your recon?
Bye for now.
Hi, Jackie,
I really appreciate all the information you give me. It is wonderful that you feel so good and can do so much already. A lot of ladies I read about have trouble putting the car into the reverse and the second gear-I hope it will get better with time. I hope the situation with beds in your hospital will ease off soon and you can have the date for your operation. After reading the forums I realised how lucky I am to be offered the reconstruction of both sides at once -I realise it will be longer and harder to recover from, but I musch rather be ‘‘incapacitate’’ once for 7-8 weeks, than twice for 7 weeks. I am sorry that you did not have this option, I think it is all depends on the surgeon. I do not have the date for my operation yet. My oncologyst says it will be 4-6 weeks after I finish chemo. So we even decided to go away to Turkey for a couple of weeks just before my surgery to give my 4,5 year old son a bit of a beach holiday (I will be sitting in the shade throughout). I have calculated the approximate time when it should be (I think begining of July) but we will not book anything up (holiday-wise) untill my consultaion with a surgeon after my fifth chemo, as I am hoping he will then give me the date.
Let me know ehen you get your date-I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Take care and take it easy.
Best Regards and Happy Easter!
I had a mastectomy a year ago, and enjoyed it so much that I’m having another one in three weeks! (Well, that’s not the reason…!)
I was worried that I would be in lots of pain, but I only had to mention to the nurses that I was feeling uncomfortable and they’d give me something for it. I was in hospital - since I live on my own - and was given codeine, paracetamol and diclofenac. I was given something else too, but that made me very nauseous. I didn’t sleep very well at night, so had a sleep after breakfast. I was in a private hospital which was nice (food was great!!)
I was encouraged to shower a.s.a.p. after my op, but it took a few days before I got the courage to touch the scar.
I drive an automatic so no problems except with my seat belt (I had left breast removed). I still use a small cushion to prevent pressure on the scar - which has remained tender due to over-scarring (keloid).
My fear of having the mastectomy was far worse than the actual event. Not at all worried this time around.
Hope all goes well for you,
Jacki x
You will be surprised how little pain there is. I had my left surgery. Full masx with back recon in Jan this year. 6 years after having it done ont he right side. I too have a horse. I was on a morphine pump which I pressed to my hearts content was a bit “drunk” feeling and loud for a day. But it only delivers a measured amount so there is no way you are drugged up to the eye balls. They took it away after the 2nd day and all you needed were paracetamol and that kept what little pain there was at bay. Could wash my hair and shower as normal but have to watch getting the dressings wet for about 10 days. Movement in arm was fine. Couldn’t drive they told me for 6 weeks but I begged them to let me after 5 as was going stir crazy at home and so long as you can do an emergency stop you are fine. Was back mucking the horse out and carrying buckets of water 2 days after coming out of hospital so 9 days after surgery and now undergoing chemo and back at work full time with no time off sick at all. Touching wood very very quickly here as only 1 chemo done and 5 to go. I had drain pain in hosptial one of the ends of the drain was pressing on a nerve and very uncomfortable and it wouldnt’ go away until the drains were removed at day 7 but you cope. the worst thing is the hospital noise at nights and makes it difficult to sleep so ask for the sleeping tablets early they won’t give them to you after 2.00am or you won’t be able to get up at 6.00!!!