
Can you advise me on scars please?

I had surgery on 9 May and scars are feeling quite lumpy and ‘heavy’. I’ve never had surgery before so have nothing to compare with. When I saw onc last week, he made no comment.

Many thanks


Hi Dawn

When I had my mx, after it had healed, I massaged the scar twice a day with vit E cream. It stayed nice and supple and eventually turned white after about 18 months.

I had a diep reconstruction last Oct. This time the plastic surgeon recommended I use Dermatix gel twice a day. It is supposed to be good for reducing red lumpy scars. I asked my GP to prescribe it as it’s about £40 a tube. I have to say that some bits of scar are already turning white and it’s only 7 months since the op.

Ask the surgeon or your breast care nurse what they would like you to do. Or you could always ring the nurses on the helpline here.

Good luck


I’ve been using Aloe Vera gel (much cheaper) and my scar has healed nicely - again once well healed massaging gently will worl wonders.

Again I would agree the BCN are you’re best bet for advice


I had my surgery in Jan (WLE and node sampling) followed by 6+ weeks of rads and I have quite a large lump behind the line of my scar… have been told that this is quite normal.

The scar line itself is very neat and flat - also amazing how quickly it has faded from the vivid red even after being blasted with 29 rads.

Hi Dawn

Please feel free to call our helpline as fantan has suggested on 0808 800 6000 weekdays 9am-5pm and Sat 9m-2pm, or you may prefer to use the ‘Ask the Nurse’ email service which you can access via the homepage for further advice about looking after your scars.

Best wishes