SE London/ Guys/ St Thomas's

Hi there,
I’d love to hear from anyone out there who is being has been treated at Guys /St Thomas’s or is in S E London. I was diagnosed with Invasive + DCIS in October 2010 and I’m having chemotherapy up front at Guys( surgery in March at St Thomas’s folowed by rads at Guys). Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to make the BC support group at Guys as it has clashed with chemo or chemo recovery.
Is there anyone else from the area out on here who would like to meet up or chat?
Sue x

Hi Sue

I am being treated at Kings but am having my radiotherapy at St Thomas’s. PM me if you fancy a chat.

Diagnosed in July 2010 with Lobular & ductal. Had lumpectomy at Kings followed by chemo and am on my 4th week of rads.

Best wishes


Hi Sue and Maree,
I was diagnosed 16 Dec with Stage1,Grade2 tn ductal and invasive bc,at King’s after a routine mammagram at Bromley. Had WLE and SNB at London Bridge Hosp , where I started chemo (4 cycles of C+Tax)on 28 Jan. Will transfer to Guys for rads after this.
Would be pleased to chat.

Hi Loula
I posted a reply on Julie’s Orpnton Thread. I hope all is well and it is unfortunate that your chemo side effects are giving you headaches. I have just had tax 2 at Guys ( last Friday)and it does get a bit better as time goes on. I think the first is the worst one as one never knows how long it will take before one feels better.
It is good to be in touch with some locals.

Best wishes,

Thanks Sue,
Glad to hear it should get better.

hi sue i live just down the road from guys had my treatment there and at st thomas my treatment is over now but would like to meet up would be nice to chat to someone who knows wot its like to go through this

Hi All

Haven’t been on this site for a while. Hope all is going OK with you all? Have booked my appointment for first mammogram since chemo and rads in June - it makes me feel slightly nervous…

Hi Ladies

Diagnosed with stage 3 Grade 3 invasive in Feb 2011 - still nursing sore bits from WLE & Node Clearance - chemo put back due to need for second round of surgery . . . and appear to have developed insomnia to boot!

Chemo will be at Princess Royal Hospital, Farnborough. Rads to follow at Guys/St Thomas’s.
Aside from the usual, regular and pre-treatent clinic visits, social diary has space for coffee and chats.

Hi All,
Sorry for not posting for ages. The thread was very quiet and I forgot about it while I was finishing chemo and getting ready for the mastectomy. I’ll be starting rads shortly: daily for 5 weeks. I have space for coffee and chats also.
How are you faring now Marnie. It is a while since you posted and I hope sore bits/ insomnia are improved.
How was your mammogram Kallycat? I hope all is well.
Billiegirl:I am just down from Guys in Lewisham/ Blackheath borders.
I wonder how you are doing also Loula. I know you were having a time of it on chemo. Have things got better.
I will aim to keep active on this thread and sorry for long gap.
Best wishes,

Hello sue
Have just found this thread. I am also on blackheath/lewisham border.
I have had mx and recon and about to start chemo. Chemo delayed becuse of wound breakdown.
Hope all is well with you.

Hello Sue - haven’t been on the site for ages so have only just picked up your message. After four nights in hospital after third tax (caught bad cough and cold from mu OH),v. low white blood cell count and blood transfusion I had an uneventful fourth cycle.
Am now half way through 20 rads, no problem with this apart from the daily commute, so can’t grumble.Not having rads at Guys though or our paths would have crossed.
How about you? How did your mastectomy go? How are the rads?

Hi All,
How are you faring with your rads Loula?. How terrible to end up in hospital. I have a vague recollection that things were rough for you on Tax. It is amazing feeling well again after tax isn’t it?
I’ve just done 3 out of 25 rads. I’ve got some at St T’s but most at Guys. The surgery was on the 23rd March and I honestly can’t remember feeling rough at all- I think I had good pain meds. I had some cording but this went away through my massaging it. My results were quite upsetting but my apical nodes were free so I’m aiming to cling to this fact. I have a good reconstruction also and feel really well. I am available for coffee/ meet ups in the area.
Judydudy have Pmd you. I hope you are faring well.
If anyone else in the area would like to get in touch please do. I’d love to hear from you.
Sue x

Another Blackheath (not quite) Lewisham borders here. finty x

Hi Finty,
I’m in Blackheath for the school run and race for life walking training every day. We have probably crossed paths many times. I have read some of your posts on other threads with interest and I am taking supplements and trying to keep up my Omega 3 intake. How are you?

Hi Sue

I’m really well thanks - will pm you. fintyx

Hi everyone,
Sue: pleased to hear you’re doing well. Rads have been fine for me, slight redness and soreness but nothing much and no tiredness. Only have two more to go, so will finish on Wednesday.

Available for coffee and chats - could make Bromley or London Bridge area (am used to the commute now!).
Loula x

Hi guys, I was diagnosed (family history clinic) at Kings with DCIS and invasive, Grade two. I had my lumpectomy at Princess Royal University hospital in Bromley on 25th March. Have jumped ship to the Royal Marsdon in London as the PRU wanted to do a full mastectomy and i wanted a second opinion. I have currently had a Sentinel Node Biopsy at the Marsden which came back clear. I had a MRI scan on Friday at the Marsden and are back on the 31st for my results. I live in the Bromley area!

Hello fellow South East Londoners.
I hope everybody is faring well in spite of it all.
Stargazerlily- I hope your MRI comes back with the results you are hoping for. the machine is noisy- be warned.
Loula- you have finished your radiotherapy- fantastic-. How are you feeling?
Finty- It was lovely to meet up with you- lets do it again some time soon.
Judyduddy- I hope you are ok and that chemo side effects are not too mean to you. I assume that you have started.
Marnie- I have space for coffee and chat still.

I’m nearly half way through radiotherapy and my skin is still intact. Getting tired each day but still planning to run the race for life over Blackheath in July. Perhaps we could try to arrange a gathering locally?
Best wishes all,
Sue x