Seasons Greeting to Everyone

Just want to wish everyone on the forum a wonderful Christmas, and a heathy, happy New Year (and thanks for putting up with all my posts about Cyberknife etc over the last two years).

Wishing you only the best at Christmas and the New year. I for one appreciate having issues highlighted. Information is power! X

Lemongrove - you have a happy Christmas too - and please don’t apologise for your cyberknife postings I learned much from them. Thank you.

And Merry Christmas to everyone else too!

I would like to wish everyone a peaceful Christmas and a Happy new year. I personally will be very glad to see the back of 2011 and welcome in 2012.

Me too Supertrouper!!

Hope everyone has a merry and SE free Christmas!


Happy Christmas to everyone, and an especially wonderful New Year to Lemongrove, and thanks for your campaigning spirit and energy. Hoping you daughter is blooming.

Thank you for your seasons greeting Lemongrove and the same to everyone else on the board. I don’t contribute that often but I have felt the great support from this forum. The main thing I have gained from this is hope.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. xx

Thanks for greetings Lemongrove and all - hope all have in the words of John Lennon:

“A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear”

Love to all,

Mo xx

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! I would have been less well informed and less able to cope without all of you !
Heres to a better healthier year for all of us,
Margaret x x x

A very Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all the ladies who have helped me through this year, it is deeply appreciated, I salute you all for your kindness, knowledge and support. Thank you so much xx

Lots of festive wishes to everyone, and also a moment’s tribute to those who are no longer with us.

Too young, too soon.

Love to all.

Merry Christmas to you too lemon grove. Never apologise for any postings on here ,we are all here to support each other.
I would also like to wish everyone else who uses this forum a merry christmas and a happy and healthy new year .Good riddance to 2011!!!
Choccie I’m with you on that tribute xxxxx

Hi Lemongrove, I wouldn’t have known anything about the cyberknife if it wasn’t for you so please do not apologise for any of your posts. We learn things as we go along with this disease but when we start out we do not understand any of the jargon or what questions to ask our doctors. When I was diagnosed there were no forums like this to support us or learn about new treatments. But I have not done too badly as in February it will be 23 years since my original BC diagnosis and 12and a half years since I found out I had bone mets.
Merry Christmas everyone and hope 2012 is a better one for all of us. Hugs to those struggling or having a difficult time. Love Val

Merry Christmas to every one. I have only started posting very recently, but ihave been here finding inspiration,help and love from all of you throughout my treatment. Thank you all for keeping me going.

Best wishes for a better new year. Keep positive
Maj x

i will drink to that good riddance to new year ahppy new year to everybody x x

good riddance to 2011 i mean, had so much to drink yesterday sorry ladies x