Second Biopsy

Hi all,
after having a routine screening mammogram I was pretty shocked to be called back. They found “an area of concern” which they showed me on the mammogram. I could nt see any difference to the rest of the mammogram but I was told this area “did not look right.”
so I had another mammogram, ultrasound and a core needle biopsy. three weeks lateri got a letter saying “as previously discussed we would like to do further tests on such and such date”. Obviously concerned I rang the hospital to see what kind of tests. I was told the previous results had not shown anything but a larger biopsy was needed to “cover all bases”. I would be having a vacuum assisted core biopsy.
a week later I went in to the screening room and was met by the consultant, (hadn’t seen her before). She explained the tissue Was presenting like ‘a rare form of cancer’ but could simply be fibrous tissue.
i was a bit stunned and stupidly did nt ask anymore questions. I just wondered had anyone else been told this?
To say I’m concerned is an understatement. was told I d get the results in two weeks but I was told that last time and it took three weeks.

Hi Erica
Having only been around for a couple of weeks, I’m maybe not the best person to come back to you, but I shall, and I’m sure others will too. Like you, I had my routine mammogram, got the recall, went for more mammograms/ultrasound/vacuum biopsy. Result last week - inconclusive(may be DCIS). I’m now waiting for another biopsy – this time it will be ‘wire localisation’ – but not just yet, as we’re on holiday soon and the consultant said it could wait a wee while. So… I know about the second biopsy bit, and the anxiety it causes, mind in overdrive, though it does get easier, honestly. Can’t help thinking it was a bit unhelpful for your consultant to talk about ‘a rare form of cancer’ then say it could just be fibrous tissue, as this was bound to cause the alarm bells to ring even louder for you. Do you have a breast care nurse you could talk to? If not (and I didn’t to begin with) – then a call to the BCC helpline might help, as you can speak one of the nurses. OK, the nurse can’t give you definite answers to your case, but it really does help to speak to someone (I did) who is calm and reassuring. Please think about trying this. The other thing that makes my heart go out to you is the waiting, as we all know it’s so awful. If things can’t be speeded up, then I can only say keep in touch on this website, as you will get lots of kindness & empathy. It won’t take the pain of waiting away entirely, but it helps enormously. Thinking of you, and sending you a hug. xxx

Thank you for your reply Shellseeker. :slight_smile: its good to speak to someone in the same situation. I m trying not to fuss about it too much with my family and I have nt told anyone at work , just in case it’s nothing. It probably will be nothing but these few weeks of not knowing, of limbo, are nothing short of torture! :-/.
Enjoy your holiday and let us know how things go?