I’ve been stalking these forums and had hoped to move quickly onto radiotherapy after my lumpectomy in mid-January. I was diagnosed early Jan and was scheduled for surgery late Jan when there was a cancellation a week earlier, so that was great. I had a WLE on the localised cancerous lump as well as the removal of a milk duct that was discharging blooody fluids and two lymph nodes. Results earlier this week showed that there wasnt’ a good margin at the top of the lump and they found more DCIS cells scattered about, so going in again in 2 weeks for second lumpectory and removing another section.
The consultant did warn me that if they can’t get a good margin this time, a masectomy might be required - I’m so frustrated and depressed by it all. I’m going through the “why me” phase - I’m fit and healthy being a runner, have a balanced and healthy diet, not overweight, never smoked and only drink moderately. I am 53 and having suffered badly from the effects of menopause for 2 years, my GP finally recommended HRT 3 years ago. It certainly helped as I was also working.
I know it could be worse but a recent conversation with a friend did make me worry if the HRT was a cause of the BC but why now? I’m racked by guilt that maybe I could have prevented this if I wasn’t taking HRT but another friend, a GP, said I cannot torture myself with this as a lot of people with BC do not take HRT. Does anyone have any HRT-related or non-related information to share? I’ve searched the forum but the posts were from a few years ago and I’ll be interested if there’s been any recent experience with this.
I’m on an emotional roller-coaster but trying to get a grip with it all - it hasn’t been easy, with good and bad days - today being a bad one and just wonder if I’m really crying over spilt milk.