I had a first WLE on the 27th December after DCIS was discovered during a routine mammogram. Clear margins weren’t achieved. I had a second WLE last Friday, 27th January. My recovery after the first operation felt straight forward, and although I felt a bit weak for a few days, I still felt strong enough and able to go for walks and got back to fairly normal activity reasonably quickly. Since this second operation I have felt awful. I feel so weak and can barely walk any distance without feeling light headed and exhausted. I’m pain free as I was after the first operation. It’s the crippling weakness which is meaning I’m tearful and feeling so fragile. I have struggled with panic attacks in the past as I went through menopause. I can feel the anxiety bubbling again. It all feels so hard. Although I was booked to see my surgeon for the results of this second operation on the 4th February, I’ve just received a message to say my appointment is now in the 11th. I am feeling increasingly anxious and finding it hard to stay patient and in a good place mentally and therefore emotionally as I wait to find out what’s next. Can anyone relate and can anyone offer any reassurance and support with this please?
Hi @clt1 I’m so sorry that you’re suffering in this way. Have you spoke to your Nurse Specialist or your GP? It might be a blood pressure or anaemia problem.
I got clear margins first time in surgery so haven’t had the precise experience you’re going through. I did, however, have crippling fatigue after radiotherapy. I was 67 at the time and not particularly fit so I expected it and got it. I used to say, when people asked me to do anything “you may as well say, let’s walk up Mount Kilimanjaro in flip flops.”
What I came here to suggest primarily is for you to put in a call to the Breast Cancer Now nurses on 0808 800 6000 between 9am and 4pm. They are wonderful women who know what you’re going through and give you time to chat it through. I’m sure that you will feel better if you do so. Fatigue is a common issue in cancer treatment but it does get better in time. But worth checking with the medics that there isn’t another issue that could be addressed quickly.
I had an unsuccessful procedure and went on to have a second successful one . It really does take a toll on your nerves when you know they didn’t get it and you then have doubt about everything . I wouldn’t read anything too much into your appointment having been changed but do reach out to your BCN if you continue to be worried or have questions about your wound care .
This extra stress may be affecting your recovery but although two general anaesthetics within a short time was unavoidable it is not good for your body so it may take longer to feel physically well . Be kind to yourself and make sure to stay well hydrated and keep your energy up as best you can by eating small amounts if you don’t feel up to having a big meal. If it persists contact your breast team and or surgery. I’m suffering with a virus that I’ve had for 3 weeks now and despite no cough or cold I’m still feeling weak so I can empathize . Is it possible that you might have picked up a virus as well as there are so many about just now. Finally @Tigress is right - it might help you to talk to the Nurses on the helpline . With love xx
@Tigress and @JoanneN thank you both. I’m talking with the nurses at my hospital and feel supported in that way. They say it’s common for women to report symptoms like mine after 2nd surgery . It just feels all overwhelming mentally/emotionally with this awful fatigue. I know that rest is the answer and it’s just hard. It helps to share and not feel so alone. Thank you again both for your thoughts. I’ll read them again and digest what you say. Much love
It is hard and it’s frustrating . I’m glad that you are talking to your Nurses and getting some support and we are always here if you need to vent. Xx
Hi @clt1
I do feel for you it’s tough when they don’t get clear margins first time , I do think the anaesthetics cause a lot of the problems you have feeling week ,glad your pain free that helps unfortunately it takes time after each surgery to recover but you will get there , the main thing is getting you cancer free so we have to go through all these procedures to get there , do speak to your breast care nurses they can help and reassure you and give good advise xxx
Thank you @charlottebee. It’s the first general anaesthetics and operations I’ve ever had so I have no experience of what they can mean in terms of after effects. I think you may be spot on though, with this being a lot to do with what my body and mind have been through in only two short months since diagnosis. It was so unexpected and such a shock to hear I had breast cancer. Thank goodness for screening though. Much love
Exactly it’s such a rollercoaster operations appointments , I do hope you get clear margins and then you will have a treatment plan put in place.
Take care and good luck xxx
Hi Clt1
First of all sorry to hear you’ve joined the club but welcome to you all the same. I cannot believe that you were operated on twice in two months!
No wonder why you feel so weak
I had the same as you but I had bi lateral lumpectomies in May 23 and then they needed to get the margins on the left so I went in again in July 23
Don’t sell yourself short. Your body is recovering from the first op and then you’re back in again.
The body is a miraculous thing but it’s taken a battering
My poor boobs are soo tender still.
The main thing is listen to your body. I felt so exhausted for quite a while. Some days you think ok I’ll go and have a walk and another day you want to sit and cry.
The important thing is to give yourself a break. If you feel like having a little walk outside then do it, if you feel too tired then that’s fine as well.
Every day you will get stronger.
Have you got any radiotherapy booked ?
Keep doing the excercises if nothing else and go with the mood swings. Remember the blue sky is always there behind the rain clouds. Stay strong
Love Lynn