Secondary BC with liver Mets advice please

I’m quite new to all this and hoping for some advice from others with liver Mets. Saw onc yesterday and she confirmed I have secondary BC. I’m also triple -ve.


Until yesterday I was still expecting to have the chemo she had talked about before (FECT) but now she is thinking about giving me something easier to handle which will give me a better quality of life during treatment. I can’t remember the name of the drug she suggested I forgot to write it down.


I am 32 with a 2 year old son and I am devastated. I just want as much time with him and my husband as possible. Would anyone mind letting me know if they’ve had to make a similar choice? My gut instinct is to hit it as hard as possible but I am also aware that my son has already been upset by my need to recover from my mastectomy and keeps asking if I’m ok.


Any info or advice would be welcome as I feel completely lost.

Hi. I was dx with liver mets at the same time as my primary dx Feb 2013.I am Her positive which qualified me for Herceptin and Pertuzumab. So my first line of treatment was docetaxol (chemo),Herceptin and Pertuzumab after my right breast mx.After 6 treatments my liver mets were resolved. I now just have the Herceptin and the Pertuzumab and Tamoxifen. Apart from the Tamoxifen causing me to itch and scratch of an evening I am nearly back to my old self with plenty of energy.My onc said that they suspect that there are many primary ladies that are already stage 4 but without knowing however chemo seems to deal with their mets. Also if they get the right treatment liver mets can do really well now because there are more and more treatments coming through. My onc said he has ladies living well ten years later with mets and cant see why I cant do the same. My children are 15 and 10 and I expect to be here to see them become adults.x


I just received the devasting news that my BC is 4th stage with liver mets. I am totally lost and just don’t know how to react. My treatment will be at royal marsden possibly 8 chemos, surgery then radiotherapy. I found this thread and feel a little comforted that I am not alone but the thought of how long to have is at the back of my mind. I have a 14yr old and a 9 yr old and really do want to be around to see them grow up.


I see my oncologist on Monday to finalise treatment details which is frightening in itself. Thank you for putting this thread up.

Hello Kavir and others who’ve recently had the unwelcome (or choose your ****-word) news of liver mets.  There IS life after such a diagnosis - my liver mets dx was in 2009 and I’m still on the roller coaster, thanks to various chemos and hormonal therapies (but no thanks to Taxol which didn’t work for me :frowning: ) I’m also a Marsden lady, it’s great having a mets-clinic and CNS ( = clinical nurse specialist, otherwise known as BCN) so welcome to those awaiting referral and/or treatment plan.  Clinic can be busy though! - bring your knitting or MP3 player  while waiting :slight_smile:

Many thanks for your kind words. I certainly am beginning to see that this isn’t the end of the world!! I guess once I get a treatment plan, things should fall into place. Its great to have a site where one can moan and groan and not be judged for it. I certainly have picked up a lot of information and experiences that is comforting. I am sure I will get through this and wish everyone else all the best.

Thank you so much Katherine for your reassurance. I am now well into my treatment and just taking each day as it comes, I have weekly chemo  Tax and Avastin every two weeks, Have had 4 sessions so far and another 5 to go before scans. I am really down today and not looking forward to this week’s chemo. But I know I need to do this for my kids, I find support from all the ladies here priceless. Wishing you all well.

Hi Katherine, thanks so much for your kind words :slight_smile:

I think I know what you mean by “we’re all depending on you” - but really, we’re all in this together, not what we would have chosen :frowning: but we can support each other.  I’m glad to post on here while I can, but a time will come when I might choose not to do so, I do have a life outside bc and I’m so thankful for unexpectedly long “extra time” to enjoy it.  I’m probably older than you (I have my bus pass!) but there are more treatments being developed for all types of bc.  Meanwhile, it’s helpful to live one day at a time (and I need to take my own advice sometimes!)

I would really like to see BCC focusing more on secondary/metastatic bc, we have a long way to go before the general public understands this.  But for now, let’s continue to support and encourage one another on here - to offer a listening ear when things aren’t going well, and share our better news when we have some.  x

Bless you (if I may) Katherine, I felt no pressure and you don’t need to apologise!  :slight_smile: ((hug))


What I intended to add - but forgot, grrr chemo brain - is that you yourself are already encouraging others… I think there’s a “give and receive” aspect to this Forum, we do what we can when we can.

Hi ladies. Have just been reading your messages on this thread, and wanted to say hi and join in. I was diagnosed with primary breast cancer this year, so have had chemo and just had mastectomy - waiting for decision on whether I need radiotherapy. By fluke, a scan I had during chemo over the summer picked up a suspect liver lesion, which after a biopsy has now been confirmed as mets. Am ER+, so have just started on zoladex injections and letrozole tablets (so far no menopausal side effects, long may that continue!).

Can I ask how your docs monitor how you and the mets are responding to treatment - not sure if there are usually scans or blood tests, how often these tend to be done and how frequently you see your oncologist/CNS? Really appreciate any info - still trying to get my head around it all, so jotting down lots of questions for my next appointment .

Thanks for the warm welcome ladies, lovely to hear from you. I had wondered if it was initially scans/tests every three months, so will ask. Sounds like everyone was put onto hormone treatments as the first ‘weapon in the arsenal’. Has radio frequency ablation been mentioned to anyone - have heard of this, but doesn’t seem to be commonly used?

I’m 38 and being treated at the QE in Birmingham, I’ve had a liver biopsy done already to confirm receptor status is same as primary. Starting back at work next week after being off for mastectomy, be nice to get some normal structure back to my week.

Jo - you mentioned that zoladex and letrozole didn’t work out for you, how was this determined? Glad the chemo tablet seems to be doing some serious shrinkage!

Nicky - thanks for warning of menopause side effects, know they’ll kick in at some point but hoping I may be lucky - had hardly any side effects on FEC-T chemo so hoping will be as jammy again! Hasn’t realised the receptor status could change, am HER- as it currently stands.

Helen - Sorry to hear you had double whammy as well, lot to take on board in a short space of time. I was treated for a different cancer 14 years ago, but very different treatment and considerations this time. Thanks for suggestion of checking out the bone mets thread for general chats/support, will definitely check it out.