secondary breast cancer in the bones anyone?

Hi Lorraine et al
I was dx christmas eve with a spread of primary cancer to lymph nodes from DCIS 3 years ago and MRI showed spine mets. I have just completed FEC chemo and have an op to clear all nodes on June 9. i have had Promidorate (spelling?) bispho’s with chemo and they wil lcontinue after the op at some point.
Onc has talked about rads but not sure if I will have any until I have back pain - or so an onc said last chemo (Friday).
Am recovering v slowly from chemo - ealry days and looking forward to a weeks break in sunny italy just before op :slight_smile:

was told that as i dont see the top onc that they not too worried about me, but can be annoying for consistency at seeing different oncs each time…

After that will have some scans & tests for spine sec and so its a wait…
my secondaries is smallish and on T9 which is between my shoulder blades, no pain but had massage and if felt tender when she touched that place. nice to have massage tho.
when think about feel scary but taking each day as it comes or trying to.

will keep popping in to hear of all your stories