Hi Wayne and Maryanne, So sorry to hear about your latest ‘bombshell’. We’ll all be hoping and praying that it’s a virus and nothing more. However, if it is the bloody cancer at least they’ve diagnosed it and can treat it. Also, it’s very good news about the brain scan, one less thing to worry about. I’ll be thinking of you both on Tuesday and hoping and praying for good news for you both.
Take very good care of yourselves and try to keep calm (although I know it’s difficult when you have that ‘sick’ feeling in your stomach). I’ve got my appointment with the Onc in the morning and I’m desperately trying to think about other things…I’ll let you know the outcome.
Sending you both loads of love and hugs. Dianne x x x
Hi Wayne
Just wanted to say that you come across as so caring and loving of your wife, she is very fortunate to have you. Would you believe some men actually walk out on their wives while they are suffering form cancer, as they can’t cope? It is a very difficult time for you as well as her, but keep on providing all that TLC.
I will think about you both over the next few days.
Best wishes
hiya diane,sarah and all the other lovley ladys
well its sunday, well if this morning is anything too go by the next 20-30yrs heres hoping anyway!!! will be a complete swine too say the very least maryanne woke up with a bad back loads of tears and just wishing she was not here, I KNOW IT MUST BE HARD for her and all the rest of you and its easy for me too say i know but i said dont let the scummy crap have the satisfaction of dragging you down!!!, anyway its now 345pm and she feels alot better now so heres hoping, i do need too ask a question is it the femara causing the joint pains seeing we just started taking it 1 1/2 weeks ago or all the crap thats trying too live inside i.e. cancer ? sorry reason i say crap is i have no respect for it what so ever as it is just scum but when it comes too ANYBODY dealing with it i have 1000% respect for them. also can i ask what pain killers you are all on and how often you take them ? are drugs are as follows tamoxifen , femara ,bonefos 800mg . for the pain if and when which seems more often than not is naproxen 500mg , just too let you all know im no runner when i got married it was for better or worse sickness and health im no runner and i will never have no regrets all though its super hard, anyway it will be good too hear what pain killers you have and if its the femara making the aches and pains ,love too each and everyone of you,
wayne everyday passed is one closer too a cure
have been reading this thread for a few days and Wayne you sound a fantastic guy. Will be thinking of you both on Tuesday.
I am waiting for results of brain scan as onc thinks it may have spread. Not sure the scan will find a brain anyway !!!
Sarah - your note about men that walk out struck a chord with me. My partner walked out 3 days after my first op. He was backwards and forwards for 8 months and I let him treat me badly because I blamed myself for getting cancer. Finally, a couple of weeks ago, I felt strong enough to say no more and now feel a huge sense of relief finally getting him out of my life.
Wayne, I wish i had had a man like you when i was going through the battle. Like K, My man walked out on me shortly after my operation and was back and forth for a few months after then - infact he called this morning saying it was the cancer that pushed him over the edge therefore it was MY fault!!! Good for you Wayne!!
All the best for Tuesday, we are all thinking of you both.
hi kay and deed
there so many ladies going through this , everywhere you go thats all you hear nowdays ,still perhaps thats what they call modern day living !!! ill say one thing for this our diet has certainly change ,ive just got myself an allotment and im only 45yrs for god sake ,if i end up like arthur fowler that will be it !!! all the best too each and everyone .
wayne each day passed is one closer too a cure
Hi Wayne, Just thought I’d let you know that I’ve seen the ONC today and I’m delighted to report that the Arimidex tablet is working. My tumour markers have shrunk lots and the liver function has improved dramatically. Needless to say, I could have danced all the way home. I’m not on any of the medication that Maryanne is on, but I would imagine that a lot of her aches and pains stem from that. The Arimidex tablets give me crippling bone and muscle ache, but I’ll just have to put up with it (it’s better than the alternative!!!) I only take strong Ibuprofen or paracetamol occasionally. I also take Glucosmine tablets to help with the bones. I buy them from Holland and Barrett but I’ve been told recently that your GP can prescribe it. I’ll be keeping everything crossed for you and Maryanne tomorrow.
K and Deed, so sorry to hear you’ve had problems with your partners. The thing is that if they don’t love you with cancer, then they didn’t love you without it, so sod the pair of them. There are some good men out there honestly and you’ll both find one I promise.
Take good care of yourselves everyone, lots of love to you all, Dianne x x x
Hi Wayne, hi everybody else
I have been reading this thread with a growing respect for you, Wayne. I was diagnosed this May with bc and news that I had bone mets also. early days for me, don’t know if treatment is working yet. I am on Femera and IV Zometa. I have creaky knees… how attractive I hear you say! I am very lucky that I have had little pain as yet, but it is still a bit of a roller coaster ride. My husband is brill, as is my 23 yr old son. I suppose I have to learn to be patient and to try to plan stuff to do. We are all living with this c**p and I am very grateful to have the support of folks on this site who know EXACTLY what I am feeling. All the best to Maryanne xxxx
hiya diane and all the rest of you ladys
well its friday 1115pm , diane im so pleased with your results keep it up dont let the scummy c**p get you down ,ok first things first im sorry that your men ran, IF IM HONEST!!! ive felt like doing it a million times !!!
BUT i wont reasons, i have 2 young lads that need me and a gorgeous wife all though its all a complete S**T and i never been so scared in all my life !!! i dont really sleep its always playing on my mind and i watch as she gets more and more tired (i guess thats the drugs or at least i hope it is)i have my head in my hands most nights thinking what next and too top it all off the lads are on sleep overs this week maryannes clapped out and in bed come 9pm and im there on my own, and if i did not say it felt lonely again i would be lying!!! i just hope and prey it gets back too some normality at some point. One thing i do know for sure what ever the future brings ill have NO REGRETS, as i know i done my best, as for all these guys that run for one reason or another its only there selfs they have too live with, but again i know this dont sound right when i say this im scared too death of being on my own perhaps im a freak i just dont know, as most guys i know see women behind there wife/girlfriends back which seems too be the norm but then you ask WHY get married just dont seem right too me oh well listen too me go on im like an old woman lol!!! ill let you all know when the results are here just hope no more bomb shells surely im due a sodding break, anyway love too each and everyone of you, best wishes.
wayne everyday passed is one closer too a cure
Good Morning Wayne, Just to let you know that you and Maryanne are in my thoughts and prayers today. The tiredness that you are worried about is all part of the treatment and I know how lonely and isolated you must be feeling. It might be an idea for you to ask for some support when you are at the Doc’s today. The Macmillan group are excellent and there are also helplines available on this site. Take good care of yourselves and I’m sending you loads of love and hugs for today.
Hi Wayne, just to wish you the best for today. Will think of you both.
K and Deed, that’s awful about your husbands, but good riddance - actually there have been quite a few break ups on the forum, some men even had affairs while their wife was treated. It seems to polarise men into those who stand by no matter what, and those who think just of themselves. My OH was amazing, he didn’t really know what to do or how to help, but he tried so hard to think of things, especially lots of practical stuff.
All the best to you and Maryanne today. I always feel upset after any sort of visit, no matter what is said. I suppose its because I can’t ignore what is happening to me. I don’t know if this is appropriate but my OH makes sure that I have something to do after appts. even if I feel tired rather than going straight home. He takes me to a cafe or something. It helps to put a bit of distance between the medics and home if you see what i mean. You are a star Wayne! Hang on in there
x sarah
Hi Wayne, I was just having a look to see if you had posted since yesterday and I see that you haven’t. I do hope everything is ok, please let us know if you can. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Maryanne.
To the two Sarah’s. Hope you are both well today, both your husbands sound lovely and supportive. I’m pleased to say that mine is the same and on Monday after the good result, we went for a drive and had fish and chips and it was just great. Doesn’t sound like much, but you know what I mean.
Take care of yourselves and hope everyone is having a happy and peaceful day. Loads of love, Dianne x x x
hiya diane and all the rest of you lovley ladies,
well no results as yet, talk about tender hooks god!!! oh well just got too hope ,as soon as i know ill let you all know. diane as for the fish and chips i know exactly what you mean and its true what they say the best things in life dont cost nothing , just goes too prove money DONT make you happy its just the simple things, anyway ill let you all know ,love and wishes too each and everyone of you,
wayne each day passed is one closer too a cure
hiya everyone
hope you are all feeling good today, i do have a update not the one i wanted still here we go, the cough and breathlessnes has been getting worse over the last few days, today maryanne went too the docs out of breath and they took her straight too hospital too have a drain on the lung ,now what thats ment too mean im not sure as the scans of the organs are still not back!!! dam everything takes so long . anyway when they first found the fluid last week they said IF we are lucky it may be an infection but i just dont know, well too be honest i dont think i know about anything anymore if it is the scummy crap gone there i just hope they can treat it i guess only time will tell anyway enough of me going on i got too go and see my gorgeous wife ill let you all know how its going ,love too each and everyone,
wayne each day passed is one closer too a cure
Thankyou for letting us know Wayne, and sorry Maryanne is in hospital. I hope they are sorting out the fluid problem and making her more comfortable. I continue to think of you both and send cyber hugs best wishes
Sorry to hear Maryanne is in hospital, but the sooner they get the fluid drained the better, she will feel more comfortable when that is done. It is such a stressful time for you both, and waiting for results is just the pits!!
Thinking of you both, and sending lots of love,and positive thoughts,