Hi Wayne, So sorry to hear that Maryanne is still having trouble with her breathing, but she is in the best possible place and once the fluid has been drained it will be much easier for her. We all know how hard the waiting for results is, it is one of the worst things about this and everyone gets paranoid about it. I’m thinking of you both and sending lots of love and hugs to you.
good morning ladies,
ok here we go and yes you guessed it you just know when they are going on another bomb run so too speak and one just landed straight in my lap AS USEALL !!! ok it seems like there is cancer in the right lung now , too be honest i think i knew all though i have no knowledge of medcine (just what you read on the net) so any information or experience anyone have had of this will be greatly excepted, now also they said chemo in a couple of weeks ? now too me surely time is the thing with all this scummy c**p ,i know or at least i think i know with the bones they can control this and get it in remission just not sure about the lung, anyway i hope everone else is having a good day ,love too each and everyone,
wayne, everyday passed is one closer too a cure
So sorry that your worse fears have been confirmed,I do hope that Maryanne, is at least a bit more comfortable after the fluid has been drained.
Sorry that I can’t comment on lung mets,but I am sure there will be lots of ladies, coming on with support and advice.
I know that you want the treatment started straight away, but I imagine that Maryanne has got to get her strength back before they can give her chemo,but I am sure they will do everything possible,and when you get the treatment plan in place,you will both feel a bit more in control.
In the meantime, look after yourself, you have got to stay strong for your lovely lady, and your family.
Thinking of you, and sending lots of love to you all, Mary xx
this cancer is totally crap and thinking of you and Maryanne. So wish I could say something that would make it better. She does have a wonderful partner by her side.
Hi Wayne, Terribly sorry to see that the cancer is in Maryanne’s lung. I haven’t any experience of lung mets, but I know that there is a lot they can do for it. Setting up the treatment plan always takes a bit of time (I think I waited about 5 weeks before I started the chemo this last time) so don’t be too concerned about that. As Mary says, they will have to make sure that Maryanne’s body is strong enough to take the chemo and that her bloods are ok etc. It’s all horrendous I know, but it will hopefully begin to get better over the next few weeks. Don’t give up, stay strong and don’t let this wicked disease get you down too much - otherwise it’s winning. We’re all thinking of you and sending loads of love to you both. Dianne x x x
Just found your post here about lung mets. My chemo for secondaries in my bones, lungs and liver was Carboplatin plus Gemcitabine for 6 doses. I have been fortunate and my tumours have significantly reduced and my symptoms, back ache and breathlessness are all under control. There is hope. Don’t worry they will give your wife her treatment as soon as it is safe and suitable to do so. Good luck.
Just wanted to post my best wishes to you Wayne and Maryanne.So sorry to hear that your lovely wife is in hospital.What a wonderful husband you are to her.Sorry to hear that it’s now in the lungs as well.Hugs to both of you xxxx
hiya taxi and susie and all the rest of you lovley ladies
dont you think a week seems like a year!!! god i just wish time would get on, i know you should not wish your time away but some times Just sometimes you wish it would just sail on by and you wake up and its just a sodding nightmare!!! well susie im so glad you said your treatment is going well im SO glad there can be hope in this dark time going too try and have a early night tonight and try too recharge the old batterys so too speak, hope you all have a piecefull night love too each and every one,
wayne each day passed is one closer too a cure
Hi Wayne and Everyone, Hope you and Maryanne managed to get some sleep and that you are feeling a bit better today. As everyone has said, there is hope after this dx. Once the treatment starts, everything will begin to improve and life will seem much brighter. Thinking of you all the time and sending love and prayers to you both.
Hope everyone else is well today. Take care and have a happy and painfree week. Lots of love, Dianne x x x
Hi Wayne, I see you haven’t posted for a couple of days. If you come on line, please let us know how Maryanne is as we are all concerned for you both. Hoping all is as well as it can be. Lots of love, Dianne x x x
Hi Wayne
Just adding to the above - thinking of you both (as I am sure lots of us are) and hoping Maryanne is more comfortable. Sending love and best wishes, Sarah.
I am also wondering how things are with you and Maryanne, hoping that she is comfortable,do let us know when you can, thinking of you both,and sending lots of love,
hiya too all you lovley ladies
ok i was going too put this in the feeling low thread, reason i dont think i could be much lower if i tryed!!! right ill start at the begining wednesday morning 9.15 the doc phones maryanne, i have not got too the bottom of what the call was about as yet ill have too let you all know on that one, anyway while she was on the phone maryanne started too cough again so the doc said get yourself down the hospital too have the right lung x-rayed again,now this was done and it showed there was a big build up of fluid since the last liter was drained friday night,so they booked her in and gave her a bed, now this time they the drain different,they put a cut i her back and and went in this way as far as i could telland boy she was in pain ive never really seen her complain but she sure did this time, anyway they started the drain and im not kidding 1 liter was out in a couple of minute and it was hurting, so the nurse sht the tap and said she would be back in 20min which she was, then the tap was opened again and the nurse said she would be back in 5 min, well if i dont move from this spot ooh by the way the blood pressure was on when this happened, maryanne again said this was hurting when they open the tap back up then she started feeling strange and then in the space of 2-3 min the colour in her just went lips were pure white and her eyes went grey and the blood presure wennt from 110 down too 62 !!! then she more or less passed out , so i was on the emergency buzzer like no tomorrow and yep sods law wheres a doctor or nurse when you need one ??? so i ran off too get one but as luck has it i got back too her bed there was a doctor there and 2 nurses. curtain went round the bed and believe me my heart was in my mouth if im honest with you all i thought the worse!!! too cut a long story short they stablelized her and got the presures back and the things started too look ok again, this evening they glued the lung and we will know tomorrow morning if its worked and we need too see the oncologist later today (friday) i will up date you all later. ok its now 3.25am and i need too try and get some sleep, i hope each and everyone of you are doing good love too you all,
wayne each day passed is one closer too a cure
So sorry to hear about the awful time you and Maryanne are having, and to say you are in my prayers, hoping that things will improve for her very soon. I too have lung mets, although they haven’t given me any symptoms yet, but no doubt I have all this to come.
Hi Wayne, not posted on this thread before but I have been reading and just wanted to add my very best wishes to you and Maryanne. You sound like a very careing and supportive partner and I am sure your lovely maryanne is aware of that. Please stay strong, you are in my thoughts.
Lots of love Roz xxxx
I’m so sorry to read the latest development of Maryanne. Thank goodness they’ve managed to stablelized her. Hope you can get something from the meeting with onc today. You sounds like such a caring and supportive husband to be by her bedside when she needs you the most.
So sorry to hear of the awful time Maryanne has had, do hope that today you will get some positive news, and Maryanne is more comfortable. I hope you were able to get some rest,thinking of you both, sending love and prayers.
hiya too all you lovley ladies,
ok let me get straight down too it before i forget, right we saw the oncologist,oh hang on did i tell you all they glued the lung? well just incase i did not its done ,how they done this they blew powder in too the drain tube and that was that the doc said its 75% success rate and if it did not work they just do it untill it do work!!! anyway the oncologist right he came round too the hospital bed too explain things ,he said its a definate breast cancer BUT its in the fluid which they drained from the lung all 2 1/2 liters anyway he said it can be delt with he also thinks the femara and bonefos would do the job and then yep you guessed it the sodding bomb was dropped again ,when he said but i think we will do a 4 months course of chemo too be on the safeside which really miffed me and maryanne but if we are dead honest with ourselfs hes right 100% i think if im honest she is more angry about losing her hair again after she just grew it but thats the way the cookie crumbles ,i said i dont really care as long as she is happy i certainly wont go anywhere as i said too you all before igot married too stay married and we will do our best too stay on top this scummy c**p and laugh in the face of it, stiff british upper lip and all the rest of it . anyway we need too go too a chemo prep meet this friday and we start chemo friday after so should be done by christmas, talk about HAPPY CHRISTMAS bloody hell, anyway i hope you are all having a good weekend loads of love too you all,
wayne eveyday passed is one closer too a cure