Hi Gina,
My primary has never been found, on any scan, but due to a biopsy of my lymph nodes my Oncologist was confident that I had breast cancer, which had already spread to my spine by the time I was diagnosed in 2015 with Er+ Pr+ Her2-ve…I’m thinking you must be Her2+ve as you mention Herceptin?
I’d been going for routine mammograms for 14 years by this stage, all clear, as I had first presented with a lump in my axilla back then. A biopsy was attempted then but was unsuccessful, so it was decided to do the routine mammograms and observe.
My Oncologist told me that while it isn’t common, not identitying the primary happens more than you might think.
Like you I avoid all processed sugar, and eat a mainly organic whole food plant based diet, if I eat any meat it is organic and grass fed from a trusted farm, any fish is wild caught, not farmed, and I don’t drink alcohol…maybe a small glass at Christmas or birthday, but that’s more to keep everyone else happy, (I get migraine headaches so never drank much anyway because it was a trigger). Although my diet has been questioned from time to time, it suits me and I don’t feel deprived in any way, infact I wouldn’t want to change it.
I am blessed to have an Oncologist who I get on with very well, infact she has been a tower of strength to me, she knows about my diet and supplements but says as my scans and bloods are good she can’t really argue. I did lose weight initially, down to what I used to be before the menopause, it then stabilised and sadly since I’ve put a few pounds back on, but now I do occasionally eat things like rye bread and white potatoes…so more carbs…than I did back then. I found medjoul dates and nuts were great, I had them every morning, (still do), both to curb my sweet tooth (which has now gone) and to help with calories.
As has already been said, I believe my diet has helped with my treatment as I had very few side effects initially, and they have now subsided. I’ve bought many books over the past four and a half years, ‘How to Starve Cancer’ included, it is a very interesting read with some very successful results. My favourite book though is Radical Remission, I would recommend it to anyone with any illness.
I understand your concerns as initially I kept wondering myself, what if it isn’t breast, but I knew I was having a scan in three months and reassured myself with that.
Take care,
Kate x