Secondary diagnosis - liver

Well I’ve had a shocker of a week! From running the London Marathon for BCN - being in warrior-mode remission post Breast Cancer treatment, to being diagnosed with secondary in my liver. I had a routine blood test which found my protein levels to be around 48 (as you probably know 0-25 is normal), so was sent for a CT scan and diagnosed last Thursday. 
Caught within a matter of weeks so once my head is back around the fact that I’m fighting, I know I’ll be OK, it’s just very hard at the moment. I started treatment yesterday, 2 bum injections and 1 in the tummy! Plus tablets every 21 days.

It would be great to hear from anybody in the same boat.

Laura :sparkling_heart:

Hi Laura

I’m so sorry you have to join us but but it’s a reassuring place to visit so…welcome. I’m not in the same boat as you but I just wanted to say: scrap all the ideas you have about secondary breast cancer - they probably are best left in the last century. Things have moved on in leaps and bounds and one piece of advice I was given was to regard this as a condition to be managed, like eg diabetes 1, rather than as a death sentence. There are members here who have lived with their condition for twenty years and more. I myself have a particularly aggressive form of bc for which the statistical prognosis is 9-13 months. I’m still on my first line treatment more than two years along. So long as you’re not plagued with exhaustion and not dependent on IV treatment, you’ll still be running marathons once you learn to manage your side effects (not that I’ve any experience - I couldn’t run for a bus!). 

Your post is wonderfully positive but please don’t feel that outlook is always necessary. There will be blips - I was floored for at least 2 months by my chemo (capecitabine) and it’s taken almost 2 years to master some of the side effects. But life goes on and you adapt. Go with the flow is my advice, listen to your body and don’t expect too much of yourself at first. 

Hope to find you running next year’s marathon

Jan x

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I have mTNBC with mets in my liver. I am also a runner. I finished chemo for my primary cancer last October and had more or less got back to normal. Following a (failed) ablation procedure, my next treatment of immunotherapy and more chemo starts later this month. I will be sad if I can’t run anymore (I eventually had to stop when on chemo last time).