Hi, dgardens, so sorry to hear your recent diagnosis, I’m quite similar to you, diagnosed bc
in march 2011, mastectomy no chemo, only radiotherapy and plodding along nicely when pain
in back and ribs started in jan 2013. Multiple spine mets, ribs and pelvis went on everolimus
and exemestane combo, but no joy as scan in November revealled liver mets.
Am now on my
4th cycle of capecitabine, had scan last week awaiting results to see if this works. Caps s/e
do not appear too bad, worst is like most other ladies feet and hands and nails, really red
and tingly, no splitting
on feet yet, using Flexitol heel cream and hand cream. I’m on 1800 twice a day for 14 days
then a blissful week off. Most of the s/e with me seem to be progressive even the tiredness
just seem to catch up with you as the 14 days go on. Also get quite bad hot flushes, thought
that was a thing of the past.
If I have some good news when see onc, they are all worth putting up with as still can do so many
of the things I enjoy.
I hope your treatment works well for you, its amazing we keep taking knocks but somehow
find the strength to bounce back, I find the waiting for results all the time the most trying,but
try to do days out with friends to keep mind off of the wait.
good luck and keep us posted
Lyn x