Secondary Lung Cancer

Hi there feeling worried that I have secondary lung cancer wanted to ask all you lovely ladies who have been diagnosed with this how you found out and what your symptoms were?


I have had a cough and blocked nose for about 10 weeks had 2 lots of antibiotics but still coughing a lot of yellow muck up. It started with a runny nose and blocked nose but these symptoms have cleared up just the cough now. 


Any feedback would be appreciated as I am fearing the worse xx

Hi,I had no symptoms and only found out after a CT scan.
Speak to your GP or BCN and tell them about your concerns and they may be able to set your mind at rest.
Hugs,Helen xxx

Hi, I have secondaries but, as far as I know I don’t have lung mets, but I have had a really rotten cough and cold for ten or twelve weeks. I picked it up during chemo. It’s just going, my husband caught it too. Horrible and I have heard it’s doing the rounds so to speak. The cough is the last thing to go, I’m nearly finished with it and I hope you find you are too very soon. X