SecondaryTumour near brain has anyone had this

I was diagonosed in October 2008 with a tumour in my breast and nodes .Then April 2011 had a tumour near my brain has anyone had a similar experience.Had chemo 3 sessions of TAC and 3 sessions of Fec then radiotheraphy and surgery in2008 with hormone theraphy .In 2011 just radiotherappy and surgery and different hormone theraphy.My emotions seem to vary.I try to walk for about 1/2/ or 1 hour aday which seems to have help me feel stronger and possitive.

Some days I feel indestrucable other day I feel less content.How do you feel and cope with emotions>

Just off to bed when I noticed your post.You have been having a rough time haven’t you. I have bone mets so different from you but just wanted to say hi and reassure you that it is normal for fluctuation in emotions, but it does seem to get a bit better and I’ve found myself finding a new normal (with the odd wobble!)

This site has been such a support, so many wonderful women…Keep using it and hope it helps you, good luck xx


I’m sorry I don’t have mets but your post reached out.

Sorry you’re going through this and really hope that you get some relief from this.
