Just wanted to know if anyone has had the sensitive/ sore scalp after treatment and how long it lasts? I started my chemo TCH - docetaxol, carboplatin and Herceptin in Nov 2019, had 18 weeks of treatment, followed by radiotherapy in March. I have just had my last Herceptin about 2 weeks ago (18 rounds in total) but my sore head is still giving me issues. It’s waking me up in the night and comes and goes throughout the day, not always in the same place either. Sometimes it is at the back of my head, others in the two areas above my ears, sometimes it’s the top of my head where it hurts. I did think I might have gotten past this side effect by now. Does anyone have any idea how long it’s likely to stay or any help with managing the pain. I do find lying down in a warm bath very soothing but I can’t do that every few hours!
Sue x
Hi Sue - I had my treatment in early 2017 and have had an itchy scalp ever since, I wasn’t sure what had caused it, whether the treatments or Tamoxifen or menopause or just age. I’ve just seen my GP and was prescribed a scalp steroid to calm it down and some vile smelling coal/tar shampoo!! I haven’t had pain though - so maybe not the same as you describe. I’ll also be interested to read other people’s experiences. Evie xx
Hi Sue, I too have had a terribly sensitive & painful scalp. My chemo finished in September but during the a summer even a puff of wind would hurt my head! My chemo nurses suggested mixing some dissolvable paracetamol or a asprin into a paste then use it as you would shampoo- leave it on for a few minutes. It really helped. Also, i use a very gentle Odylique herb & tea tree shampoo which has no sulphates etc. This does seem to have helped (sadly it’s a little expensive). Hope this may help x