Hi all,
I’ve had 6 months of chemo and a mastectomy in Nov. After my surgery my surgeon confirmed the cancer was bigger than they thought and they were unable to get clear margins, also my sentinel nodes were positive to cancer (and positive lvi) and hadn’t reacted to the chemo. She was shocked as they were not expecting to find this. I now have more surgery for full clearance next week and then 3 weeks of radiotherapy. I’m awaiting the CT results to see if it has spread any further.
I really wanted to be going into 2025 and leaving this behind and I’m really struggling with it all now. Does any one have a similar story? /share how they are dealing with this?
Thanks xx
Sorry youre dealing with this. Ive not had exactly the same experience but i found there were so many set backs during my treatments. I think we all ‘count down’ until the next “break” or change or end in treatment & when that changes it knocks us for six.
My only advice would be to try to give yourself credit for how far youve come & set a new goal.
Wishing you luck x
Thanks so much.
I guess that’s it, I’m always looking towards the end of treatment so the fact it keeps changing/getting extended is hard.
Take care xx
We all do. We count down every appointment & every treatment, willing ourselves to get to the end & return to “normal”. It’s therefore devastating when plans change/get delayed.
I know its so hard but think of this as a bump in the road. Take stock, set your new goal & smash it.
Youll get there x